Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Twice the fun??

I've mentioned before about my middle of the night visions of sugar plumbs, I mean Twins, dancing in my belly.

I've mentioned about the fact that my tummy seems to have just exploded over night-No, I don't mean the 'd' word (diarrhea)-I'm talking about how incredibly HUGE I seem to have grown in my middle region in just a matter of hours. WAY too big, it seems, for a mere 2 1/2 months along.

I may have even mentioned that already, at 7 or 8 weeks along, I felt the baby kick. Many times.

What I have failed to mention to you, my faithful readers, is what occurred Monday Morning....

One Monday a month, my daughter and I are lucky enough to attend a MOPS group here in town. For those of you that aren't familiar with this little Momma get-together, MOPS stands for Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers. It's a cool 2 hour slot for moms of children who aren't yet in school to get together-childcare provided-for fellowship, food and friends. Every week we start out with announcements: Who's got a birthday this month, Who had a baby since last time, any prayer requests, and, who's been impregnated since last month.
Anyone? Any takers??
Oh yeah. ME.
Just little old me is the only unfortunate soul to be dealing with the morning sickness wrath.
SO, I reluctantly raise my hand amidst the 'awww's!' and 'yaay's!' and they ask me to come forward.

Evidently anyone knocked up since last time has the fantastic opportunity to blindly draw a candy bar out of the bag which will in turn predict the fate of their womb.

Oh Joy.

I picked a Twix bar.


Shoot me now.


Anonymous said...

In the words of Nelson, "Heh Heh!" :D

And just to throw another thought out there, what if it were twin girls?!! Oh, the estrogen overload.

Thus saith the woman who has so much testosterone that she mostly speaks in sound effects and two word sentences. As seen above. :)

Kellan said...

I knew I was having twins from very early on - and it wasn't just because I was big, early - it was the movement. I just knew. The day that I had the sonogram that I mentioned in my post was so odd because when the technician said it was twins I was just astonished that I was right - that I had actually known all along. Doctors and everyone around me kept telling me that you can't feel movement that early - BUT I DID and I totally believe you can. I can't wait to hear if that is the same story with you! That Twix bar might just be an omen. Twins are a delight - a blessing - you would love the experience. Take care - Kellan

HoodMama said...

You kill me! I love it. You may not want to hear this but I always thought it would be great to have twins. You get to have two and only have to be pregnant once. Score!

peachsgurl said...

I must say that i would be so excited if you had twins.

Kelly said...

How many weeks till that ultrasound? ;)

Kelly said...

Oh, and if it makes you feel better, last time I was pregnant, I dreamt that I gave birth to a cat. Although I guess they are easier to take care of......

MKHKKH said...

I wouldn't be at all surprised with how sick you are! How many weeks are you?

Jenny said...

I always wanted twins...until I realized how hard ONE is! hee hee. Oh, and at least you didn't pick out Nerds or Goobers. Not a good sign. And if you had picked a Baby Ruth, the poor child would have been cursed with that name. Sorry, any "Ruth"'s out there. Snow Caps would have meant future dandruff, and a Crunch bar would have foretold biting while nursing. You picked well, my friend. You picked well.

kim-d said...

Oh, twins are wonderful--well, with the exception, perhaps, of that scary-looking duo in the picture at the top of your post! And it's REALLY wonderful to be the Grandmother of twins--the one who always gets to go home--BWAHAHAHA!

I sort of hate to tell you this...but the mother of my twin grandsons also JUST KNEW very early on. Too big too early, movement and kicks before there should have been, all of the stuff Kellan (and you!!!) mention. But mostly, it was JUST KNOWING. For some reason I'm thinking TWIN GIRLS. Hehehe.

I just hope, hope, hope and pray that you're feeling better. And your MOPS group sounds like a good thing for both you and Livie--how fun!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Abbie said...

OH dear. Funny thing: I had already mentioned to John 'wouldn't that be funny if we had twin girls?' and he about had a coronary! His response was: I can't give 3 GIRLS away at their wedding-do you know what that would do to me?? hahahha

My first ultra sound is on the 20th of this month...we'll see....

Anonymous said...

Holy crap. It looks like a lot of people agree with you! I really need to know, now! I dont know if I can wait until the 20th! You take any pictures? Send em this way!

Megasmiles Personalized goodies! said...

That would be great!! Then you can give Max and I one, and I wont even have to be prego again!!!

Give John a b-day hug from all of us!

Unknown said...

Twins would be AMAZING!! Come on 20th!!

Anonymous said...

I just "Knew" that I was prego with twins. I felt many fingers and many toes, but I fooled myself into thinking it wasn't possible. I think it was a blessing in disguise, plus they will always have someone there own age around. I guess you'll know sooner than later, let us all know.

Amy said...

so exciting. can't wait to here what the sonogram reveals. what a happy time for you.