Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Master Plan

After taking note of a few measurements with a GIANT tape measurer that she found only God knows where, Livie just informed me:

'hmmm. This house is too too big for me. I need a little little house for me. A tiny one.'

Okaayyyy...so you are saying the whole set-you-up-in-a-dog-house-on-the-back-porch-and-lock-the- back-door idea that I had really may work out afterall?? SWEET.

My wheels have been a turnin' since discovering that little thing I like to call my child in my belly. We live in a 3 bedroom 2.5 bath townhouse with a 1 car garage. PLENTY of room. IF John wants to give up his play room. Which by the way he has NO problem doing. We have a giant master bedroom that with a nice little screen divider could easily be turned into Johns XBox room/our master bedroom. He's so selfless like that.

BUT, I have an even greater plan. If this child in my belly has been able to survive just fine through my stomach bug, my not being able to eat a thing, and 2 bouts of dehydration, he/she-once born-should do just fine sharing a nice bed of leaves under the front porch with Liv, right? Think of the things we could do with 2 EXTRA BEDROOMS!! I could have my very own scrapbook room! OOH! OR a room completely dedicated entirely to Diet Coke.


*sigh* Fine.

DON'T go calling childrens services on me. I'll give them their rooms.

I would have at least given them a blanket or two....sheesh.....


Jenny said...

Yes! Yes! We have a full basement that would make for a fine apartment for 3 little girls. Then Erik and I could have an exercise room, arts & crafts room and sports memorabilia room!!!! Me likey. I'm right there with you. I won't tell if you don't.

kim-d said...

I think that the "under-the-porch" idea is perfect! And there is this nice little pillow and blanket set from Brookstone that would make things extra cozy for those two lucky kids! And because I know you're such a nice Mom like that, you'll probably fix them each up with their own set! Voila, perfection! HAHAHAHA! :)

Keeping It Real said...

Go for the scrapbook room. Chances are, the kids will take over YOUR room anyway. I'm still trying to move mine into their own rooms, which mostly go to waste.

Keeping It Real said...

Go for the scrapbook room. Chances are, the kids will take over YOUR room anyway. I'm still trying to move mine into their own rooms, which mostly go to waste.

Redhead in Vegas said...

you are too funny. i told lance about this post. we both had a good chuckle. i think that you should put new baby and livie in one room and split the xbox room. that way everyone wins!

Megasmiles Personalized goodies! said...

I say put them under the porch, I mean who pays the bills around here anyway?? If they want to go get jobs and start earning their keep then maybe, just maybe think about giving them a room!!

Kelly said...

Hmmm, we have that Little Tykes house on the deck...that could easily sleep two. You may be onto something!

HoodMama said...

Oh my goodness. You scrapbook, too? I'm really not going to be able to be your friend because you are now becoming Martha Stewart in my eyes. Do you make your own bread?

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE A HOOT! ....Oh, I thought I should tell you, I am not a blogger...but I am stocking YOU! I LOVE reading your blogs...they are like my daily-pick-me-up! Seriously, I check back daily to see what you've written about! LOVEs to you OLD LADY! :)

MKHKKH said...

We have a 3 bedroom/2 bath and are trying to squeeze 4 kids in it! I like your thinking! We do have a big backyard. Of course we have lots of blankets:)

How have you been feeling? You passed your sick but to us. I am sure the triplets are fine in there;)

Abbie said...

SO awesome to know that I have a little back up with you ladies :)

Jenny, your secret is safe with me.

Melissa: Martha Stewart?? puhhleease! That is the ONLY thing I am remotely crafty about. And the whole scrapbooking thing has been totally non-existant since child #1 was born. Evil children, taking all my fun.

Megan~ ooh! GREAT idea. I'm sure Liv could EASILY get a job as a high end attorney. She has NO problem whatsoever arguing her point with her mother.

Katie~ You are an evil evil woman. TRIPLETS?! Lord, take me now...
I hope you guys are feeling better soon :(

Amy said...

this is funny. i would opt for the scrapbook room. that is what i do and the boys share a room. that's the way they wanted though.

hope you don't mind me chiming in! i was just hopping and though i would drop by.

i'll be back.