Saturday, February 9, 2008

Reason # 1,328,942 as to why I may or may not be the best mom on the planet

This could totally go both ways.

About a week ago, my favorite mommy in the whole world, my very own mother of course, brought me a whole big grocery bag of easy-on-the-tummy treats to ease her daughters hellish stomach issues.

Amongst MANY other things, one item included in the sack of goodies was a giant bag of Dum Dums. There is something about suckers/hard candy that seem to calm the inner intestinal storm. Not sure what, but they just get the job done, no matter how subtle.

This morning as I'm laying on the couch wallowing in my own self pity and trying to remind myself WHY I let that man, I mean my precious husband, do this to me, I decided to get my pregnant self a nice cherry Dum Dum.

We've got Mickey Mouse Club jammin' in the background and Miss Olivia still in her PJ's bouncing around the living room and I think maybe, JUST MAYBE, I can sneak one out of the bag and consume it's cherry goodness before she even blinks.

I was wrong.

*GAAASSSPPPP* MOOMMYYY!! WHAT YOU GOT?!?! ohhhh a sucker!! Can I have a sucker please?! Oh yum! What kind you got mom?? What KIND??

*sigh* sure Liv. You can have a sucker.

So sue me. I'm letting my daughter eat a sucker at 9:15 in the morning while still in her pajamas, having not even changed her diaper yet today.

0 points for Abbie
1 point for all the other PERFECT mothers all over the world.



HoodMama said...

We had beef jerky for breakfast, with a pudding snack pack chaser. You did better than me.

Jenny said...

Oh Abbie. Do you really think we all make eggs and toast for our kids every morning? As long as my kids eat a breakfast, I'm happy. I thought you were going to say she stuck it up her nose or something. I sure as hell hope I'm not graded as a mom on when or what my kids eat. They'd be handed over to child services by now! Hope the Dum-Dum's are working!!!

Megasmiles Personalized goodies! said...

That's awsome!! Love you! And just for the record, Conner had hot chocolate and a cupcake for lunch, and jello for dinner! So, put that in your pipe and smoke it!!! :) Hope you are feeling better, love to see you guys soon!

Redhead in Vegas said...

why abbie is a good mom
reason #1
she is pregnant and constantly fighting morning sickness. she has the piece of mind to realize that keeping herself and her 2 1/2 year old daughter happy is the key to her sanity.
reason #2
she gave her kid a lollipop (a sucker is someone that is easily duped, not a delicious candy treat) this means that she SHARED something that she values and makes her feel good. how can teaching your toddler to be a sharing, giving person be a bad thing?
i'd say that's 2 points for abbie and a big ol' blank-you for anyone that has a problem with her parenting skills.

Jennifer said...

In my house, we consider ketchup a vegetable. Or is it a fruit...?

kim-d said...

I say:

Abbie: 10--THAT'S TEN; COUNT 'EM, TEN--points for making it a great morning for her little girl, despite feeling lower than whale tinky.

Livie: Happy girl with a Mom who shares the Dum-Dums!

That's my opinion :)...

MKHKKH said...

What is the harm in a little sucker? They aren't on the list for breakfast? Guess I am in the loser mom club too then.

Don Mills Diva said...

My son ate his weight in chocolate this weekend at grandma's - oh well!