Tuesday, February 5, 2008


In the words of Beth Moore: "I don't want to be Queen Compalainy from the Hawhiney Islands but..."
....but ya know, there is only so much a girl can handle. And a girl with crazy emotional issues at that. C'mon. Give me a break.

I made another whiny phone call to the doctor today. Again, it's the dizziness people. The morning started out great! I was a little nauseas and dizzy, and body kinda sore, little bout of the runs, but other than that, feeling pretty darn ok. Then over the course of the morning the dizziness hits me like a freight truck.

I feel like it literally swirls my body around super quick then drops me and leaves me with numb, sweaty hands, and a CRAZY HARD couple heartbeat thuds. Sometimes I'm left actually taking purposeful slow, deep breaths to catch my breath. It was scary to me. I didn't care if I was going to look like 'the crazy pregnant lady' who calls all the time. I just needed to figure out how to make it stop. It scares me! I haven't been able to drive for about a week because of being so dizzy, I worry that at this point it may not be the safest mode of transportation for Miss Olivia and I to get around-of course, maybe it WOULD make for an entertaining afternoon...NO, no, drivings NOT a good idea....

Anyways, the nurse finally called me back and I described, again, my symptoms in detail.
Her first question was this: Have you noticed this started since switching anti-anxiety meds after finding out you were pregnant?

*sitting with my mouth open*

This is how I would have liked for the next part of the conversation to go:

Me: Really?? Did you really just ask me that??
DUUHHHH! How many times have I TOLD you that exact thing over the course of this hell I have been enduring these last weeks?? How many times have I told you I really felt like they didn't work during my last pregnancy and that this time I just really felt like they weren't taking care of the anxiety like they should be either?
If I recall correctly, Miss Nursey Nurse, YOUR response to ME was that it wasn't anxiety I was experiencing, it was 'the pregnancy hormones'.
I have an idea my Nursey friend: I'll SELL you these pregnancy hormones at an incredibly low price, just because I love you of course, and in turn you can forget this embarrassing-for-you conversation ever happened and I totally won't hold against you the fact that I would rather shove the precious hormones into the toes of your shoes and let ME tell you that the reason you are walking with this incredibly awful gimp now, is 'just the pregnancy hormones'.

Nursey Nurse: Abbie, that sounds great. Your check is in the mail, along with some REALLY great drugs, and you know what?? Call ANYTIME day or night, and I will personally be at your doorstep ready to help. With Popscicles.

Nope. This is how it actually went.

Me: YES. (very firm but pleasant yes) Yes, without a doubt, they started once I switched meds.

Nursey Nurse: (after a few other questions) Ok, well, I'm definitely going to go talk to Dr. I'm-popular-so-i'm-busy, and get back to you about those meds. That worries me that they aren't working, and maybe we need to get you on something else.

Me: (scowling at the phone) Ok! That would be awesome-Thank you so much! I really appreciate you calling me back! (with an honestly appreciative tone to my voice)

The end.

UGH. WHY WHY WHY am I too nice?? Thank you?? Who says thank you to someone for not listening to them in the first place?? ugh...I really need to work on my mean face or something. Scare the dickens outta them next time. Then maybe I'll get the REALLY good drugs....


Jenny said...

I get the feeling YOU not being nice isn't an option.
Now, stop being dizzy!!! You're not a blond, you know!!!

Redhead in Vegas said...

i love you, but you need to take care of this. stop calling to talk to the dr. and schedule an appt. to go in and see him. the way they are treating you is freakin' ridiculous. it is his job to listen to you and treat you, not your symptoms. doctors are not this untouchable breed of super humans that deserve reverence. they are doctors, people that are trained to help people. and what he is doing now is not helping. now, i am not saying that you have to take my advice, but for crying out loud, quit being so nicey-nice!

Kelly said...

I wonder if Antivert is safe while pg. I take that for inner ear when I get horrible dizziness and it works great. I hope you get some real treatment tomorrow. I don't know how you are even functioning. I would crawl in bed and ignore the world if I felt like that.

Abbie said...

I was really anticipating that you in particular would comment on this one. I knew it was a comment that i would be sitting back pumping my fist yelling at the computer screen: 'yeah carey! you go girl! you tell um!!'

Thanks friend, you always are able to light a little fire under my heiny to get me movin'! :)

Kelly, I'm positive that it's the fact that these anti-anxiety meds aren't meshing well with my body, I felt the same way on my old meds when I would miss a day or two of taking them :( grrr.

Jenny-if you only knew. Ask Carey. I was BLONDE when we lived in vegas...this dark thing is kinda new. so, maybe it IS bit of the ditzy's?? :) And being NOT nice should be an option for me, afterall, I have no problem doing so with Liv and John. haha ;)

HoodMama said...

I totally agree with Redhead. Get your Hawhiney in to your Dr.s office and tell them what's what.

kim-d said...

Okay, Abbie, sign me up with Redhead and Melissa. And just so you know, you CAN be firm yet still "nice." In fact, it's a must when dealing with medical professionals. Enough of this on-the-phone-crapola with Nurse Nancy; get your little hiney in to see the DOCTOR. All said in a really nice tone of voice. But I can be very mean; want me to call 'em for ya? HA! But, really, you should not have to feel this way...

Do it, and report back :)!

Jennifer said...

Hope you can feel better soon!

dianna said...

Unfortunately while on the phone, you are their be-otch...make all the faces and give them all of hand gestures you can muster. More flies w/ honey on the phone...BUT..
Girl, when you go in for your next visit with that over-popular crotch-looker, GIVE 'EM HELL!!!