Friday, February 15, 2008

My newest Love affair:

John surprised me on I heart you day with this glorious piece of stuffed fabric:

The Boppy full body pillow.

He was either genuinely feeling sorry for me in my uncomfortable state, or just wanted me to shut up in the middle of the night.

I've been in near tears every night due to how incredibly uncomfortable I am laying in bed. Constant tossing and turning, shoving pillows here and there, wrapping my legs around John, unwrapping my legs from Johns when I get too is a never ending battle. Every. Night.


I had a pillow similar to this when I was pregnant with Liv, and it was my savior, I tell you, my saving grace!! I used that puppy beyond my pregnant days until it could be used no more, and then it got tossed. But now, my days of sleeping like a Queen have returned! Wahoo!!

Move over John, Boppys in town, and she's here to stay!!


Kelly said...

Wow, I didn't know there was a full body pillow. I just had the regular boppy pillow for nursing, sitting on with all my stitches, propping up kids when they were learning to sit up, etc. Those things ruled. A body pillow would have been awesome!!

HoodMama said...

This could be Reason #27 why you love your husband.

Amy said...

that is the best. i has a similar one and loved it!

Aj Schwanz said...

Good Hubby!

When I got pregnant with Abel and started "voicing my discomfort" (i.e. complaining up a storm), my mama ordered me a memory foam mattress topper, saying it would change my life. And as always, she was *so* right: it's delightful! Except then I never want to get out of bed. Enh: I guess there are worse problems. :D

Redhead in Vegas said...

i needed one of those. i kept telling myself that there was no reason to buy one because i was almost done. i also said that about an electric breast pump. i opted for a hand pump instead. needless to say, i was WRONG so wrong. so happy that you are sleeping well my friend.