Thursday, February 7, 2008

a pregnant womans crack

No, my pants weren't hangin too low today, and my girls weren't exceptionally perky....I'll explain it to you all in a minute.

I KNOW I said that my next post was going to be a sunshine and flowers kind of post for a change but ya know what?? BITE ME. I can post whatever I want because this is my blog. So here's just one more little not so perky update....

*na-na-na-na-na* (I'm sticking my tounge out at you)

I had not felt ONE LICK of dizziness today. (I can't believe I just said 'lick'. Doesn't anyone really say that?) Anyway, Isn't that AWESOME? God knew I was so worried about this new medicine, I think he really helped it go to work in the best possible way in my body.

I must have forgotten to mention the no-pukey-feeling thing in my bedtime prayers last night though.

Today I had a bout of nausea/sweat/tingles worse than I had EVER experienced them yet. I actually (and I'm not kidding this time) I actually found myself sitting on the pot with the garbage can in front of me, with my head in my hands PLEADING with God to please, if I'm going to throw up, just let it come, I know you are with me, but PLEASE just make it better one way or another because I can't do it anymore. I even actually called my mom from the bowels (pun intended) of the bathroom to see if there was any chance that she had lunch hour soon, so she could come make Livie a sandwich, because I realized I had been in the bathroom a VERY long time and there was NO hint I would be leaving anytime soon. I had never felt so disgustingly sick in my entire life.

Finally after a few courteousy toots, (I know thats gross, whatever, quit reading my blog), I groped my way back out to the couch and flopped myself down. (not before grabbing a giant bowl to catch any flying goodies of course. Out of my mouth. In case I vomited. Just wanted to make that clear.) I realized that anytime after a long no-talking streak, if I wanted to say something to Liv, I had to actually unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth-It was SO dry. Thinking back I remembered I woke up all night last night taking sips of water after unsticking my tongue from said mouth, but I figured that the dryness was just from sleeping with my mouth open. *what a pretty picture*

I realized I was in fact dehydrated again. YES, I've been drinking fluids (as much as possible, which isn't much without it coming halfway back up my throat), but I HAD been sipping ALLTHEDAYSLONG.

Ok, what to do? Call the Dr. and die of dehydration while waiting for them to get back to me next week on whether or not I should go in or do something different??....or....pack Liv into the car, drive her down the street to the sisters house, and get my butt over to the ER to slur in only the best way my dried out carcass can that I think I would like some fluids pushed into my bone dry body?

I called the dr, but only waited about 20 minutes only to not hear back and chose the latter.

It is AMAZING what those silly IV's do for you. I swear whatever is in them is like crack cocaine to dehydrated people all over the world. I felt SO much better. Still sicky sick in the tummy, but WAY toned down from what it was this morning.

*This just in*

This morning I noticed a little firmness in what I have lovingly referred to as my spare tire for the last year or so. Yup, it appears I can safely say I MAY be showing a bit, and not just chubby like I was yesterday. Just let me think what I want you jerks. I'M SHOWING!! I JUST KNOW I AM, OK?!? :)

Also, still feeling *fabulous* on this new medicine. The only downside is that it really knocks me out, so I will try and get it switched around to where I take it at night instead of the morning. I'm nervous about the things Liv could do to me while conked out on the couch. Yikes....


Anonymous said... may just want to request a room be held for you at the you'll just pop in, get rehydrated for the day and say "see you tomorrow!"......NO, NOT REALLY....I pray that you get well and STAY well! I hope this gets easier for you!....

Kelly said...

You just need to keep an IV hooked up to you. Then you don't need to worry about getting anything in your tummy and nothing to puke up. Wouldn't that be nice?? Girl, I feel for ya. NO WAY do I want to trade places with you. I'm impressed that you still have a sense of humor about you. I'd probably be in a murderous rage by now.

HoodMama said...

Ok, you amaze me. I would not be writing and I would not be funny if I felt as horrible as you have. I did learn in my fourth pregnancy that dehydration makes morning (alldaylong) sickness so much worse.

Redhead in Vegas said...

oh my dear, of course you are showing. i hear that you start showing in the 3rd week with your second baby. LOL! i am sure that you look amazing, regardless of how you are feeling. keep trying to sip some water, and relax. and seriously, post what you want to post, this blog is for you, not anyone else. we are all here to support you, because we care. have your bad days, and scream about them if you want. i wish that all your days could be sunshine and roses, but when they're not, that's ok, too. take it easy friend.

kim-d said...

BWAHAHAHA--am I wrong to think this is one of your funniest posts yet? Yup, I would definitely say that you are JUST A LITTLE BIT OVER feeling so lousy :)! I think you should get one of those rehydration packs that you can load up into a cute little backpack and just stay hooked up all the time. No fuss, no muss, no paperwork--HA!

Praying each day gets better :)...

Jenny said...

I feel for you. I remember the first time I didn't feel all that great when I was preggers with my second, and it's like "Oh crap. I can't just go lay down all day long like I did the first time. I'm supposed to still be a mom to the one I aleady gave birth to. This sucks." Hang in there...
Oh, and I'd MUCH rather read about REAL LIFE...rather than other peeps and their "my kid's SOOO cute" and "my hubby's SOOO great" and "I'm SOOO happy ALL the time!" Whatever.

Jennifer said...

Of course you are showing! I know I always did early was never ever ever the fact that I sat on the couch with a pint of ice cream the night before :) Pure baby, I tell ya...

Sure hope you will feel better (allthedayslong) soon.

Unknown said...

Abbie, keep on keepin' on. I was on meds too with two of mine and it made all the difference in the world. I was going crazazy there for a few months and finally got a grip when the dosage was right.

MKHKKH said...

I am so sorry you are having such a rough go. Have they checked for multiples? Sorry, it has taken me so long to get back to you. But, yes, it is 100% normal to have light cramping in the beginning. Baby is just burrowing in for a nice long gestation! With as sick as you are, I don't think you have a thing to worry about! Hang in there mama. It will get better one day.