Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's a virtue? Really?!

So there is this little thing I like to call 'patience'.

I say little, well, because I've never been one to carry a whole lot of it around with me.

I often am so discouraged with my lack of patience with Olivia. From her point of view, being a toddler is a whole new exciting world for her. Our days are filled with questions, giggles and jumping. Up and down. All. Day. Long.
Lately, this momma, in her nasty, pukey state, becomes this boring grumpy blob whose only known word appears to be 'No'. No wonder she appears to have been fed crack by the time Daddy walks in the door at the end of day. HOORAY! Someone FUN to play with!

My lack of patience has already transferred to the newest little one. Who the crap thought to keep these kids in their mothers bellys for 9 FREAKING months before making their appearance?? I'm only 8 weeks along and ready to punch myself in the face from discomfort. I'm ready to put together the nursery, ready to buy clothes, ready to send it off to college...

John and I came up last week with the greatest idea EVER. Why can't we just grow this baby the rest of the way in a big jar? That way we could wave at it whenever we wanted to, we could feed it a couple times a day like we would a fish, with tasty little flakes. John said it would be like our very own little sea monkey.
I think it's a great idea.

The Doctor didn't seem quite on board with it.

I don't think she took us seriously.



Kelly said...

Patience has never been one of my strong points either unfortunately. Hang in there. You'll be feeling better before long (hopefully!!) and then will be a happier momma then!

Aj Schwanz said...

Patience? Mothers are supposed to have that? They seem to have forgotten to send that home with me when I had the boys: I got diapers and a snot sucker, but no patience.

I hope the nasties flee soon so you can come play with the other patient-less mamas. :)

Amy said...

trust me. it will get better! :)

Redhead in Vegas said...

i had sea monkeys once. i got them for my 11th birthday. i was dancing around to Madonna is my bedroom and knocked the container over. sea monkeys spilled all over the floor. i didn't know what to do, so i got a paper towel and blotted them up. my guess is that a proper aquarium might be the way to go. i'm just saying....

Jennifer said...

I've never been good with fish. I always forgot to feed them...

Redhead in Vegas said...


sorry friend, i need grammar check not just spell check!!!

HoodMama said...

I had a recurring dream with all of my pregnancies. I could unzip my belly and hold the baby and then put it back so my doctor wouldn't know. I think it was my subconcious' way of getting around the jar on the counter. :)

Krista Motsinger said... just crack me up:):)

kim-d said...

BWAHAHAHA...wave at it and feed it like a fish???? I think your Doctor is a buzzkill :)! But that 8 weeks along, I just can't believe that. If you really truly are only 8 weeks along and if there really truly is only one of them in there, he/she might also decide 9 months is a little long...and call it's own taxi to the hospital. I just...I see where your discomfort comes from and I don't even wanna think about...NEVER MIND :)!

Redhead in Vegas said...

ok 2 days no new post.
i'm starting to worry a little. going to visit your myspace page...

Keeping It Real said...

It's a virtue that can't be taught, that's for sure. It comes after years of losing your mind. After that, all that's left is patience. Hang in there.