Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Funny Valentine

So there is this guy that I'm like TOTALLY crazy about on this Valentines Day, and it just so happens to be his birthday as well.

I'm going to blog-celebrate by telling you 26 things that I just love about my hubby on his 26th Birthday/Valentines Day:

* I LOVE his great sense of humor.

* I LOVE the fact that I can be SO stupid around him and not have to worry about him looking for another less stupid beauty to take my place.

* I LOVE the fact that he loves video games-even at 26, married and being father, it shows he's still a kid at heart, and I find that so endearing!

* I LOVE that he's the more romantic of the two of us. Lord knows if it was left up to me to plan a romantic evening, we would be sitting on the couch picking our noses all night.

* I LOVE that he laughs at me, even when no one else gets my weird comments or 'funny' jokes.

* I LOVE the incredible father he is. I honestly could never have imagined anything better for my child(ren).

* I LOVE that I can count on him to rub my restless legs in the middle of the night when I ask, and he doesn't even grump about it (out loud anyways hehe).

* I LOVE that he will watch a girly movie with me if I really REALLY want to, and he will even admit to liking some of them ;)

* I LOVE when he winks at me.

* I LOVE that we really don't like a whole lot of the same things (movies, books) but that we are both SO totally obsessed with the show LOST.

* I LOVE that he gagged when my water broke in the hospital with Olivia. I still die laughing about that to this day.

* I also LOVE that he cried when Olivia first came into this world. It is one of the very few times I have ever seen him cry, but by far the most meaningful.

* I LOVE how he will go to the store 8 times in one day for me because I'm sick and I remember '1 more thing' that we forgot to get the last trip.

* I LOVE how he never once has complained through this pregnancy while he has taken care of Olivia, cooked dinner for himself everynight, and cleaned up around the house everyday.

* I LOVE how his absolute favorite part of the day is when he walks in the door and Livie comes running screaming 'DAAADDDYYYY!!'. He says he looks forward to that all day, and I think thats just cool.

* I LOVE how he likes the fact that I've got a little extra junk in my trunk.

* I LOVE how he loves my family like they are his own and how comfortable he feels around them.

* I LOVE that I can discuss my bowel issues with him and he doesn't even die of embarrassment, but just laughs. *sigh*

* I LOVE being able to remember him in Junior high and how embarrassed I was to hold hands with him.

* I LOVE how excited he is about being a Dad again.

* I LOVE having so much history with him AND

* I LOVE knowing he'll be around for a real long time :)

* I LOVE the fact that he's just as happy with mac n cheese and wiener wraps as he would be if I could whip up steak and potatoes every night.

* I LOVE that it's more important to him that we have the things we need than getting a big new TV.

* I LOVE that we shared that special year and a half living in Las Vegas together right after we got married.

* Best of all: I LOVE that he loves me for me. That he thinks I'm perfect just the way I am.

I'm so blessed to be married to my best friend. I just wouldn't be me without him.

I love you sweetie. Happy Valentines Day and Happy Happy Birthday!

You are the ABSOLUTE love of my life!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Good 'ol Johnny Boy! ....I love how you two have so much history already and have really grown up together! Your love shines through this blog and it brings tears to my eyes to think that YOU TOO have the love that I do with my hubby! I wish there were more married couples that could share the love like that! ...that love will shine on through your babies!...Congrats again on the "TWINS" :0) Renee'

Don Mills Diva said...

You two could not be more adorable - happy valentine's day!

Kelly said...

Awww,that was so sweet it made me teary. What a doll of a hubby you have and I love that picture of him and Livie on the couch. I hope you both have a wonderful Valentine's day together and he has a wonderful birthday. Oh, to be 26 again! :)

Jenny said...

So so sweet! Hope you're feeling better!

Unknown said...

Good thing he's already married...he sounds perfect for me! What a lucky girl you are!

Amy said...

what a nice tribute to your husband. that was so sweet!

HoodMama said...

Happy Birthday! What a sweet post!

Steph said...

Ya'll are the cutest! Although, I wish I shared your view of the video games. Casey also likes video games but I just find it annoying. ;) But he does make up for it in lots of other ways!

Happy Late Valentine's!