Monday, February 25, 2008

Put yer earmuffs on

Have any of you ever seen the movie 'Old School'? Specifically the part where all the guys are in the kitchen, along with one of their toddler-ish aged sons, and anytime a curse word is about to enter the conversation, the dad of said son says 'earmuffs' and the son cups his hands over his ears to refrain from hearing said curse word?

We got the biggest kick out of teaching Liv at a super young age that same trick, (earmuffs, not cursing) whenever a questionable word was about to pop up in the conversation. You know, words like: Butt, shut up, crap....
We would laugh at how quickly her hands would fly to her ears the instant 'earmuffs!' left our mouths. Oh the good old we can't get her to shut up about 'ouch, My butt hurts! Will you kiss my butt?!' *sigh* You choose your battles people, you choose your battles. 'Butt' just isn't one of them. Now 'whore', thats a different story. I think if I were to EVER hear that word come out of her mouth, (in the midst of suppressed giggles) I would slap that child to next Tuesday. Oh now don't go calling Childrens Services on me. You'd do it too.

Ok, but back to 'Earmuffs'. I'm going to go ahead and pull that word out of the bag tonight for any male readers I may have, because what I'm about to say is, well, none of your business and may be considered slightly inappropriate. Of course when am I NOT inappropriate? Don't say I didn't warn you.


All I'm going to say, and I know you ladies feel me on this one, is that I've suddenly realized that my belly is not the only thing growing with this pregnancy...

HOLY TORPEDOES BATMAN! Where did these come from? And where have they been all my life? These puppies certainly could have given a gal a little self esteem at 13 when my chest was flatter than my back....

Oh the joys of a miserable pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

Oh the joys when they are still there after the baby! (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?) ...I tell you what....if they stayed where they were supposed to be, it wouldn't be such a problem!!....but they seem to be headed more NORTH than anywhere else! Enjoy them while you can!! :) ...Renee'

MKHKKH said...

Too funny! I will have to try the earmuff routine. Yeah, butt is not one I am willing to battle with either. I draw the line at stupid though. LOL.

Tell me about the boobs. You can call me Dolly! This is the only place I wouldn't mind gaining 20 lbs since normally I look like a teenage boy! Too bad they will shrink away again:( Time to start saving for the plastic surgeon. LOL.

Thanks for your prayers. WE are starting to climb out of the trenches of puke.

Redhead in Vegas said...

1. how flippin' cute is your daughter???
i love that she has on red ear muffs, a purple shirt and two tone pink heart boots. she is my hero!
2. i was a 38 F when my milk came in. careful what you wish for...
3. did you watch the sarah silverman video??? it is on my blog, so much funnier!

Jenny said...

Big boobs rock. And even though mine sag to my belly button with no support, they still look great with the right bra! Enjoy them while you can...and I hope for you...and John :)...they "hang" around a bit once the milk is all gone!
Oh, and Liv is just cute as a button!

Kellan said...

Cute picture!! I hope this pregnancy doesn't continue to be miserable - I hope not!

Take care - Kellan

Unknown said...

And that, my friend is exactly why I've nursed for a total of eight years...and counting!

HoodMama said...

Oh my my my. Let's talk about that! What a difference those can make to all of us 10 year old boy look alikes! I would have nursed till I was 50 if I thought I could keep em.

Steph said...

I just isn't fair. Before I had Braelyn, I could easily justify a 34B, and then when I got pregnant, MAN! Did my girls blossom! But after a year of breastfeeding, they got tired I guess, and now, well they're just smaller and sadder than they were before...I'm down to an A! AN A!:::sigh:::
I loved being pregnant and I loved breastfeeding, so I don't regret a thing, but, wouldn't it be nice if we could keep our prego rack, like a souvenir! :)

Abbie said...

Ok, here's the sad thing ladies: I never nursed with Liv, and yet my boobilies still managed to sag as though I'm approaching 80.
I think God knew I needed a little 'boost' during this otherwise miserable pregnancy...HAHAHAHAHA

kim-d said...

Yeah, baby! Good for you, Titsy LaRue...oopsies!...I mean, Abbie :)!

And I am LOVIN' your little earmuff girl--not to even mention her stylin' boots. Such a cutie!