Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sweet baby Jesus!!

Approximately 2.5 years ago, I was being wheeled down our local hospitals' hallway, in horrible labor pain, and full of anxiety (surprise surprise) about the hours to come. A lady in blue scrubs met us on our trek down the hallway towards L & D, and hurriedly showed us to our 'suite' where we would soon be welcoming our precious bundle of joy.

I immediately hated her.

I hated her for the simple fact that she was insinuating that I, Abbie, the one who has NOTHING to do with this kind of stuff, would be delivering a child through the single orifice that I actually wished never existed at all. After all, isn't that what got me into this mess in the first place?? This nurse, whom I was SURE wanted nothing but to see me in the most horrific pain possible, turned out to be the shining light in an incredibly scary time for John and I. She quickly became our angel in disguise.

She got us through it, no matter how horrifying it turned out to be, and she hugged me afterwards and told me she loved me and she proudly held my new baby up for a picture.

Since that day two and half years ago, we have continued to keep in touch, through Christmas cards and pictures and other family members having babies in the same hospital.

We love Nurse Jan.

This morning I was Horribly sick. I mean so sick that I was almost lethargic. I'd had it, I would call the doctor-ANY freaking doctor who happen to be on call on a Saturday-and I WOULD BE SEEN IMMEDIATELY.

After taking one glance at me after getting to the office, and after running a few blood pressure and pulse checks, it was unanimously decided that I was severely dehydrated. And not only incredibly dehydrated, but I've got a flu bug to boot!


I was immediately admitted to the hospital and sent up to L & D triage to be pumped full of fluid for hours on end. BUT, who met me in the hall to finish wheeling me the rest of the way up there and tend to my every need?? NURSE JAN!!

I nearly cried. Actually, I think my exact slurred words to John were: Maybe God doesn't hate me afterall! :)

I'm now home after chilling at the mommas house where she so lovingly cooked my family din din (well, the other two of us anyways, this momma still isn't eating much), and feeling amazingly better. As I just described to my friend AJ, I still feel pretty darn crappy, but I have to remember, that that does go along with being pregnant and having the flu.

I'm feeling like part of the reason some of my nausea has vanished is my lack of some anxiety now. I think I was so tired of no one at the Dr's office believing me on how real this horribly worrisome mind of mine was. I was tired of them thinking that all this nausea was purely preggo hormones, and not the anxiety I deal with regularly. Until today. When I went in and met with this Doctor today-whom I have never met with, mind you-I felt like he REALLY got it. He looked at me and told me to my face that I'm not crazy and what I'm feeling is really really real. That anxiety REALLY is that debilitating. He also believes I have a bit of post tramatic stress disorder stemming from my last labor experience. He got it. He got me. He BELIEVED me.

Between this wonderful doctors reassuring words today and a perfectly needed hug from my favorite nurse/angel in the whole world, a truly horrible day (few days, really) ended up being an ok day.
I like to think of things like that happening as "kisses from God".


Aj Schwanz said...

Yay! You're feeling (a little) better! Yay! You got your Nurse Angel in Disguise! Yay! You broke past the wall of non non office people at the doctor's office and ended up seeing, not only a doctor, but one of the good ones! Yay!

I'm SO glad you were heard and understood. And hello: PTSD after your last experience?!! Of course! I think after reading your Livie labor story, *I* now have PTS. :D

Get better soon, friend! Peace, rest, and a cooperative gut are wished upon you. :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just awesome?! Oh, yes! We'll keep saying prayers that you'll continue to be blessed with good health: physical, emotional and mental.

I don't think I want to hear the labor story. You can keep that between you girls. :)

Kelly said...

I just wanted to cry reading your post. I feel so bad for you having a flu bug on top of being pregnant--NO FUN!! I'm so glad this dr. really paid attention to you and got you the care you needed (some fluids!!) and that you ran into your favorite nurse is just awesome!! Rest up and take care.

Jenny said...

Wow Abbie. What a past couple of days. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I KNOW...for the little time I've *known* ARE a strong enough person to get through all of this. Anxiety or not, you can beat these troubles and move along with this blessed pregnancy. Not all pregnancies are the same. Keep saying that. There is no guarantee you will have another horrid experience.
My love to you... and feel better!

kim-d said...

Kisses from God...I LOVE that, Abbie! And I love that God sent you the people/Angels that He did--and right when you needed them the most. It is my experience, that He always provides that way!

I am SO glad you found that doctor, because that is the key! There is nothing worse than being in the grip of a horrible and debilitating anxiety attack (with double sides orders of pregnancy and flu? WHOA!)and having it be met with blank stares and deaf ears. I, too, have bouts with anxiety--along with some depression, just to add to the fun--so I know what you're speaking of! And dehydration certainly doesn't help anything either!

I am just so glad that you're all fixed up...and, right about now, a heapin' helpin' of being around YOUR Mama has to be very, very good!

May you be the recipient of Kisses from God everyday, Abbie! :)

Megasmiles Personalized goodies! said...

So happy things are looking up! If you need some company, or just someone to keep livie busy for a few hours so you can rest give conner and I a call!!

Redhead in Vegas said...

so happy that you are on the mend. i check your blog like 10 times a day to make sure that you are ok. i hear that 12 hours of uninterrupted bed rest will kick the flu to the curb. maybe there is a daddy/daughter day in the works...

Don Mills Diva said...

Glad you're feeling better Abbie!

HoodMama said...

HOW are you still writing posts?! I'm amazed and so sorry you're feeling so bad but thankful you finally were heard and taken care of!

MKHKKH said...

I have not been on-line in a few days, so doing some catch-up. I didn't know you were so sick. I had anxiety issues in college and I think I had every disease known to mankind. It is horrible debilitating. You should find a birth counselor. At the very least get the book Birthing From Within. It has a whole section on post traumatic birth and healing. It brings a smile to my face to know your nurse was so instrumental in your experience. Awesome.