Monday, February 4, 2008

Check, please!

John and I sat down and did our taxes last week. After doing so, we came to this conclusion:

The government should REALLY consider doling out an extra tax credit for those parents that seem to be having an exceptionally hard time potty training their child/children.

Think of ALL the freaking millions of extra diapers we OOPS I mean Americans in general are having to buy for their children who just flat out refuse to use the potty.

Think of all the Americans out there who are dealing with extra emotional stress due to the simple fact that their child/children are on a "NO POTTY!" strike. Can you see the little picket line? Can you see it?? TRUST ME. It's there.

I just can really see this extra tax credit be so beneficial towards our therapy fund in the future.

Can I get an 'AMEN!!' ??


Jenny said...

Well...AMEN!...except we do not have potty-avoiding children anymore.
I personally always felt SAHM's should get some type of tax rebate. Like, here's 10K for raising your kids!!! Since you don't make any other money of your own!!!

Colleen murphy said...

I feel your pain. I had diapers for twelve years, yes I said twelve!!! I have been diaper free for over four years AMEN!!!


Redhead in Vegas said...

yeah, diapers and formula. jeez louise, we spend a fortune on them. i get that this is just a guise of a post, you are really venting about little miss avoiding the ol' potty. good luck my friend. i can barely keep ryan still long enough to change her diaper. i am not looking forward to trying to get her to sit and go. i wonder if there are potty training specialists. if so, maybe that should be what the imaginary tax credit should go towards. better yet, what if a specialist coupon came free with every 2 year old check-up. no expiration date. the time that they spend training the kiddie doubles as nap/sanity time for mom. ahhh, one can dream...

MKHKKH said...

AMEN! I so want my little one out of diapers before the next one gets here. It makes me ill to think how much thats gonna cost.

Jennifer said...

AMEN! AMEN! Diaper expenses should definitely be a tax-deduction.

My little one is at the stage where she proudly announces (loudly) where ever she may be that "I need to poop NOW." It's very fun in the grocery store, church, or any where there isn't always a potty close by...