Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Few thoughts for today

A lot of people do not believe in prayer, or the power involved in it.

I, on the other hand, whole-heartedly believe in it. I especially believe in it when a person is so down, so grief-stricken, that they are at a point physically, emotionally and spiritually where they are incapable of praying for themselves.

Thats where I am at right now.

These past few days, in preparing for my first prenatal appointment tomorrow, I have been literally unable to make my mind go there. Unable to sit and simply think about the fact that I will be getting (or attempting to get) an exam. In fact, simply typing that makes me physically sick and near tears.

Today I've been dealing with my heart racing to unreal speeds and sweaty hands and bouts of near blackouts. We are talking MAJOR anxiety attacks.

Today and tomorrow are those times that I talked about where I'm literally unable to cry out to God myself, and need you, my dear friends to call his precious name for me. I can't even begin to pray, because that means I have to be thinking about what tomorrow holds. I can't do it.

There are going to be some really neat things happening tomorrow-Liv will finally know shes going to be a big sister, and the three of us will finally see this sweet little being growing inside me-but all of those things are COMPLETELY overshadowed in my mind by the fact that I will be up on the exam table attempting to do what I dread most in the entire world.

Please keep me in mind today and tomorrow. I know God loves me. I know I am his precious daughter and as my mom says that 'he adores this little baby inside me'. I know that he will be with me holding my hand on the exam table tomorrow. But my mind and body believe such totally different things. My mind and body make this fear so real.

I'll get you all updated after our appointment tomorrow, and if you are lucky, I may even show you a picture of this little peanut growing inside me!


Unknown said...

Big 'ole Texas-sized prayers headed your way!! Have the doc check your meds, you should NOT be feeling this way. Email me if you are interested in the meds I took while pg...they gave me my life back. It's high time you felt better!

Jeph and LeAnnes Blog said...

I understand totally!! I'll be praying for you that your anxiety goes away, you feel at peace. :) Pray for me as we are trying to get pregnant and I feel anxiety everyday..love you girl!

MKHKKH said...

Oh Abbie. I just want to grab you and hug you and pray with you. It is going to be ok honey. I know there is no talking the fear out of you and I can't imagine what you have gone through. God will be there for you. With Him all things are possible. He will carry you when you can no longer walk.

Here my heart today. Please hold Abbie in your arms now and until her appointment is over. Carry her through the anxiety. Give her comfort, joy and peace. Take away all the pain and fear so that she can see just how awesome you are. I pray for her baby too. Please show us a healthy and strong little peanut.

Hang in there Abbie. You can do it with Him.

kim-d said...

Okay, Abstress, coming from your bloggy friend who is probably much older than your Mom, consider the Heavens stormed with prayers for you. Really. You just do the best you can do and leave the rest up to Him. And you know I will be checking in for that picture of The Peanut...and maybe one of Livie, too????? Praying hard for ya, girl!

Kelly said...

I've missed your posts the last few days. My heart goes out to you. I know what it's like to have something cause you so much anxiety that you feel almost out of your mind with it. I will be thinking of you tomorrow--you'll make it through this!! Hang in there!

denise said...

Ummm...Kim-D??? Trust me...NOBODY is older than Abbie's momma...LOL

Redhead in Vegas said...

lots of love and good thoughts my friend. try not to focus on the exam, just try to enjoy this amazing time of your life. you know that i am not one for prayer, but i'll give it a shot, just for you. take care of yourself and that amazing family of yours. we'll all be here for you, whenever you need it.

Jennifer said...

I'll have you in my thoughts and prayers for your exam. Hope it goes well and any worries will go away once you see that first little heartbeat :)

Amy said...

i'll be thinking and praying for you today. trust that things will be okay!

kim-d said...

Hey, Sweet Abbie...just wanted to drop by quick and tell you I'm thinking of you, and to let you know that the prayers continue! Hang in there, kiddo, and I'll be back to see The Peanut :).

MKHKKH said...

Still praying for you Abbie and peanut!

Unknown said...

I will be praying that God will speak His peace into your heart!