Thursday, January 17, 2008

A little Stuart in your day

Caring for sickly toddler all day has left me a little 'outta gas' so to say. So, in order to feel as though I entertained you to even the tiniest degree, let me introduce you to my friend Stuart. I promise, you will hate him and love him all at the same time! Enjoy!


kim-d said...

HILARIOUS! Back in the old days, I think I babysat Stuart. The name and face were different, but it WAS Stuart :). I hope Livie is feeling better real soon, and that you can get yourself refueled soon, too! Take care, Abbie...

Unknown said...

Too funny! I think I love Stuart.

peachsgurl said...

This has got to be my favorite one ever. I love it.
how is livie feeling? any better than this morning..
I am going to try and come out next week or the week after that.
love ya

HoodMama said...

Thanks for the great laugh! I think I'm going to throw away all the footie pajamas. They just seem so wrong to me now.

Miriam said...

Thanks for the comment, Abbie! I think you know what I mean when I say I don't *feel* very patient a lot of the time. :)

That Stuart video is hilarious! I have never seen that character before (we don't have TV), but I have since gone on Youtube and watched as many as I could find! So funny! Thanks!

Don Mills Diva said...

That was very funny - thanks for sharing!

Jenny said...

Hee hee...that part where he's on the sofa going "mommy mommy mommy" over and over happens EVERY DAY in my home.
Hope sugar booger is feeling better today.