Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm not going to lie...I am feeling like MAJOR butthole.

Sorry mom, if you are going to wash my mouth out for that one, could you consider using soap of the non-scented variety? Thanks...

I find myself making myself sicker over worrying that I'm going to throw up. I HATE throwing up. I know that throwing up isn't all rainbows and sunshines for ANYONE, but honestly the thought of doing it actually sends me into a bit of a panic attack.

Not kidding.

I would rather die than throw up. Ever.


Laying in bed last night (which seems in this pregnancy to be my sickest time of day-the evening time) I was just sure at any moment the chunks would start flying. I unwillingly flew into panic mode. I could feel my heart rate just soar and that panicky skin-crawling feeling set it.

Lord, take me now please.

Ok, fine. I gave in, and decided 'I'm just going to SIT in the bathroom for a while. Not throw up, but just SIT.'

So I sat.

And sat.

And choked back any feeling of upchucking continuing to arise. Yes, I'm sure that just throwing up and getting it over with would have made things must simpler, but this girl doesn't just throw up. I wretch. And gag. And It comes out my nose.

I just wasn't ready to give into that quite yet.

So eventually, with all tummy goodies still intact, I slowly made my way back to bed and nudged John and asked him to pray for me.

That precious man laid his hand on me and pleaded with God on my behalf to spare me of the dreaded sickies and tiredness and asked that PLEASE let THIS pregnancy be somewhat of an enjoyable one for us.

I just love that guy. *sigh*

I went to sleep *FINALLY*.

I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet sweet hubby you have! My second pregnancy was so much better than the first....hopefully it goes the same way for you....and I think twin BUDD babies would be the cutest babies EVER!

HoodMama said...

I'll be praying for you! I have a friend who had a two year old and a one year old and found out she was pregnant. She said, "It couldn't possibly be twins, could it." I said, "NOOOOO. We worship a very merciful God." Guess what? In His mercy, he gave her twins and I'm still trying to win her friendship back. :)

MKHKKH said...

Oh Abbie. I am sorry you are so sick. I know it is zero consolation, but they say the sicker the stronger the pregnancy. Hopefully that means little bean or beans are healthy;) Hugs. I am so excited to have a pregnant blog buddy! What is your due date?

Kelly said...

Ok, I HAVE to email you. We have more in common than I originally thought! LOL I hope I can find your email address on this blog somewhere!
Remember: This too shall pass!

Don Mills Diva said...

Uh-oh! Seriously - hope you feel better soon!

Kelly said...

I left a little something for you on my blog. I'll email you later when I have more time. (then I'll delete your email from my blog if you want)

Unknown said...

Oh, hon, I'm so sorry. Try some ginger and all those things you've already heard, crackers, warm brothy soup. There's a wrist band my doctor suggested and he/she can prescribe something, though I've never used either. Also there's a mommy I've got linked on my site, look for "Life in a Shoe", and she's had several great posts about morning sickness the past few months..check her out.

As you know, it will pass, but dang is it SUCKY until then! Hugs!!

Gregg Koskela said...

"What a man, what a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man....!"

Hang in there, Abbie!