Monday, December 31, 2007


This time next year we will have a new member of the family partaking in our Christmas festivities right here in our little living room! Thats right, I'm the proud owner of a brand new clearance priced artificial Christmas tree!! YIPEEE!!!! No more needles, no more spiders, no more crying over spilled tree water *sigh* I mean really, can my life get any better than this?!?

We made the much anticipated (on my end anyway) shopping trip to our friendly local one-stop shopping center today to browse the clearance Christmas items and Lo and Behold there she was in all her glory. Boxes and boxes of them were left. Boy, God was smiling on me today! :) So that precious husband of mine hauled one off the top of the pile and reluctantly placed it in our shopping cart while mumbling something to the extent of 'this goes against everything I have ever believed in or stood for....rarr rarr rarr'. Have I mentioned lately just how much I love this guy? (As we speak he is still sweeping pine needles from our devil-spawn tree that I took down, what, like 3 days ago?? Maybe it's starting to sink in that this whole artificial tree is the MOST EXCELLENT IDEA ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET!?!)
Anyhoo, now we have it home and put away next to all our other Christmas goodies in the garage where they will have plenty of time to get acquainted with each other before next year when I *sigh* pull them all out again.
Hooray for Artificial Trees!
Hoory for my hubby!!
Thanks babe :)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Oooh looky here!

A new pretty background! I seriously spent ENTIRELY too much time on here putting this up. Like a ridiculous amount of time. Time that could have been spent studying the back of my eyelids. Oh the price you pay for beauty, even the virtual kind! ha!
I think I hear my pillow and nice new down mattress topper calling my name. Yes, I'm certain of it. It's either that or my husband who I'm sure thinks I have sneaked out to the local bar by now to toss back a few after the lovely day I had. *sigh*

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas 2007: The finale. I promise.

Yikes. There were just too many to choose from. (I'm a bit of a picture whore, for lack of a better word)
Here are some with our little 3 person family Christmas morning:

Daddy and Livie

Mommy and Livie *yikes, mommy REALLY should have showered before pictures!*

*GASP* A kitchen?!?!

Livie and Daddy playing with the new Playdough set!

Oh yes, more Christmas pictures!

Any my side of the family:

Here is Liv and her baby cousin Carter. Have you ever seen a sweeter picture??

My sister and her boyfriend, and their son

Uncle John have a man-to-man with baby Carter

Just needed a little time to let that food settle!

Liv concentrating *really* hard on her new easel!

Christmas: Part Deux

Here are some Christmas pics with Johns side of the family:

Aunt Amber and Livie doing Gymnastics!

Crab dinner with Hercules Livie in the background!

*SO* excited about her new clothes washer!

Aunt Amber REALLY likes mommys cheeseball!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

MERRY CHRISTMAS.....4 days ago....sheesh....

ok ok ok OK!!! I'm finally taking the time to sit down and let you guys now how our Christmas was since you all were SO quick to look better than me and do it, like say, the day AFTER Christmas....whatever....

I know I'm with my mom on this one, that as SOON as Christmas is over, I want the decorations GONE! I'm not going to tell you what a pain in my *ace* our STUPID tree was this year. I won't tell you tell you how I'm certain that our tree had anorexic tendencies, choosing not to take a single drop of water the ENTIRE time we had it. Not. a. single. one. I won't tell you how when I finally took it down yesterday it was so dry and brittle that every time it would poke me I would actually have needles stuck in my legs. ouch. I won't tell you how I had sap stuck to my hands for hours, or that 2 different spiders JUMPED, I mean JUMPED out at me from their little perch atop our rediculously ugly tree, or that I managed to leave a little water trail and GIANT needle trail across our new carpet leading out the front door where I left it-lights and all-for John to finish taking care of. No, I won't tell you all these things, because, well, I'm sure you would all enjoy at least one post where you don't have to hear me b*tch and complain about some trivial thing I happen to be going through. (but they really were disgusting spiders. huge spiders. like as big as half of my pinky nail spiders. ewww.)

John has always told me that a real live Christmas tree is just something he will not compromise on. That it's just something you do, go out and cut down a tree and then enjoy the piney smell in your home for the next few weeks. gross. I think after whining enough last night about how *horrible* my tree removal experience was, and showing him my calculations of 'if we bought a live tree every year for 15 years we would spend over $300, BUT if I went and found a really pretty *fake* tree on Clearance at Target for $50 and it lasted us that long, think of all the money we would be saving!!', he sighed and said 'fine, you win. Go get a tree.' I'll give him a little time to let that soak in then maybe tomorrow I'll go on the hunt for a nice big beautiful tree with a healthy body complex. No spiders or water for this girl. It's on like Donkey Kong my friends, it's on!!

*Here are a few pictures to highlight what really was an enjoyable Christmas time for our family*

waiting in line to see SANTA!!

Reading our special book from Santa

Livie in her Christmas Sunday dress
(please excuse the white shoes. Yes, I realize they don't 'go' with the ensemble, but I couldn't find her black shoes last minute. So just get off my back, ok? OK?!)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Went to the chapel, we did done got married.

Today is our 5-year wedding anniversary and I'm quite possibly the most romantic wife ever recorded. I've got Diarrhea, a snotty nose, and a sore throat. Can you say S-E-X-Y?? I know, you are all jealous, it's ok. It only happens to the most beautiful of humans. *sigh*

5 years ago today the love of my life and I stood up in front of our closest family and friends and promised to be the best of friends through thick and thin. And though we have been through a lot in the short 5 years that we have been married, I have to say we have both held up our ends of the bargain pretty darn well. I have been thinking over the last couple of days how incredibly blessed I am. Who can HONESTLY truly say that the person they married is really their best friend. I can. I'm so lucky to have a husband that I really can talk anything through with. Nothings off limits. We've got a problem? No matter how big, we talk through it and in the end appreciate each other that much more.

Sometimes I like to sit and think about that day back in Junior High when I met John for the first time. I remember 'flirting' (only as true 7th graders do), I sat behind him in Health class and would often poke him with my #2 pencil in the back of the head. Well during one of my incessant poking sessions he turned around mid-jab and *whoops!* I poked his loose tooth right out of his head!! Ohhh the horror of that moment. It puts a big smile on my face to think that at that very moment God had a big grin on his face because only he knew that these two awkward pre-teens would later in life become soul mates with a crazy child of their own! Oh the sense of humor our precious God has, huh?

I love you with everything in me my sweet Johnny. You are truly my best friend and I'm so lucky that God placed you right where you should to me!
Happy Anniversary!

p.s. Just in case I never said it, I'm sorry for knocking your tooth out. Well, kinda sorry. :)

This is John and I in '98, our Jr year in High school. Yikes. Can you say homely??

This was in Dec. of 2002-the day John and I said our 'I dos'!

This was our first wedding anniversary-we were living in Las Vegas at the time and had a beautiful dinner up in the rotating restaurant at the top of the Stratosphere.

Wow. HUGE. I think this was about a month? before Liv was born in '05. Would you believe me if I told you I got A LOT bigger before Liv FINALLY decided to show up a week overdue?? *whew* Look how excited John is though. *sigh*

Friday, December 21, 2007

Be blessed!

Matthew 5:3-5 (The Message)

3"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

4"You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

5"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.

Be blessed my dear friends. Truly blessed.

Cookies Shmookies

Monday morning Livie-Loo and I had the special opportunity to go to my Grandmas (Liv's Great-Grandma) house and roll/cut/bake/decorate/eat Christmas cookies! Well, I should say that Liv and Grandma rolled/cut/baked while Mommy just decorated/ate them, because everyone knows this mommy can't cook/bake to save her life (or the lives of her family for that matter).
It was so much fun and such a special special time that really *tickled* the Grandparents as it's not very often to get to do something like that with you *GREAT* grandchild!
Here are a few highlights from our cookie making adventure!
Note: NOT the best idea to let your 2.5 year-old eat candy bits/sprinkles/cookies/frosting/hot chocolate while the digits on the clock are still in the A.M. Just a thought.

Roll, roll, roll your dough, gently on the counterrrr....

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily exclaim out loud 'I cut errrr'! *Lame, I know, but that's all I've got people*

GOOD cookies need *LOTS* of sprinkles!

Maybe mommy should taste these, just to be sure they are ok for everyone....

The finished product! *notice as my friend Emili pointed out, she knew to cover the gingerbreads man 'junk' with sprinkles. What a modest little girl I have! haha*

See Katie, you aren't the only one with children who have *ahem* 'creative' cookie decorating techniques! ;)

So I'm a week or so behind....

Like I said, I'm a bit behind on posting these, but better late than never, huh? Here is Liv watching the first snow fall! We didn't get much and it lasted all but a few minutes but that was the most quiet, still, few moments in our house that entire day...

We found our tree! What a cute little tree topper, wouldn't you say?

*SO* excited to decorate the tree. Note: Mommy gave up *all* OCD-ish tendencies in order to let Livie help with the decorating this year. *whew* We made it through, and everyone is alive and well.

Daddy helping with the final piece

Ta-da!! Our Christmas tree.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My daughter the budding artist

You know your 2 1/2-year-old has gotten a hold of your camera when you find these taken on it...

Monday, December 17, 2007

One too many??

This is THE must see video of all time people. But please, for the love of our God in heaven, if you laugh, please tell me so I don't feel so bad for practically wetting myself from chuckling so hard. You feel so bad laughing-it's like laughing at an unfortunately ugly baby. (oh come on, don't give me that 'all babies are beautiful' crap, because you know full well, you all have seen an ugly baby or two in your lifetime.) They can't help it. God made them that way. Well, in this case, God has the most hilarious sense of humor! View and enjoy my bloggy friends, view and enjoy....

Friday, December 14, 2007

Cute Livie quote of the day

Just what I needed today:

Walking through the grocery store today Liv and I were chatting randomly back and forth about the things we were there to get, the things we saw, etc. She then threw her arms around my tummy and looked up at me and said:

"I love you TOO much mommy." I think she meant 'I love you so much mommy' but the way she said it couldn't have been better.

*sigh* Thanks Livie-Loo :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Super Mom has left the building

My mom forwarded me this email this morning and I thought it was definitely share worthy. Especially since the theme of most women I know this year is: ' I'm stressing about money' or 'I'm stressing about dealing with family' or 'I'm just plain old stressed/worn out.

I'm not gonna lie, I often find myself wondering 'why when God knows this is a total stresser for me would he allow it to happen??' I need to remember to look outside my own little selfish box and see the greater things that he has going on. Like Marybeth says below, he ordained for us to be where we are at this time, for HIS purpose. Oh if we could only see into the future right??

I've got to admit, if I was Mary back in the day I would have been seriously P.O.'d if I had been saving myself only to realize that I'm 'knocked up', lord only knows how, and people are calling me horrible horrible names and to top it off I get to give birth right next to a steaming pile of cow crap. ugh. Fast forward many years though and look what her beautiful son did for us all! Wow, kinda makes the stinky pile of poo a little worth it, right?

I personally have got to keep in mind that God didn't make me 'suzy homemaker' for a purpose. His purpose wasn't to make me a world class chef or amazing seamstress....I have yet to figure out exactly what his purpose for me is, (anytime now God?!), but I really can't wait to find out....


Super Mom Has Left the Building

By Marybeth Whalen

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 (NIV)


I just have to insert something in the midst of this busy season we call Christmas:

"You can't do it all." And I don't think I can say that enough.

Whatever season in life you are in this Christmas, embrace it. There will be other times to do all those things you want to do. Or not. Whatever your situation is, trust that God is sovereign and He ordained for you to be where you are at this time, for His purpose. There is something to be gained from every season in life. The trick is to find that piece of wisdom God has for you in the midst of each season.

When the angel appeared to Mary, he told her some pretty shocking news about what was going to happen to her. His message ushered her into a season in life that included confusion, rejection and some pretty extreme transition. And yet, her response was "May it be to me as you have said" (Luke 1:38).

I want Mary's reaction to be my own reaction. I want my attitude to be one of complete surrender to God's will, no matter what the circumstances. I want to be able to say with confidence "May it be to me as you have said" instead of whining to God, "Why did you let this happen to me?" like I usually do.

The first step in embracing every season is to let go of our own expectations—even when it means learning to love our limitations. Whether you are struggling with illness, or lack of energy, or a marriage situation, or money problems, or family issues—whatever it is, that is where God has you. Stop trying to be Super Mom or Super Woman and trust a super God instead.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hooray Albuterol. You Go Girl.

It's approximately 3:14 in the AM ladies and gents. No, I'm not a night owl. Nope, not a middle of the night call of nature. I've got a little one with a bad cold. And any well informed American knows: Bad cold+asthmatic child=One miserable little human being.
Thank you Steve from Blues Clues for entertaining my sweet daughters mind while we accomplish the ever dreaded middle of the night Nebulizer treatment. What's a mother to do in the middle of the night while trying to stay awake to encourage her child to 'take a deep breath honey' and 'keep breathing the medicine in'? Why, blog of course! Duh!
I guess I'm just filled with a little pride for my daughter right now and thought I would share a bit before I burst and little happy dancing people explode all over my living room. No one wants to clean that up at 3 in the freaking morning. No, I don't have crazy little midget men running around my house in the middle of the night, I just imagine thats what my pride looks like inside my chest right now.....
Back to my daughter.....
I've just realized what a big girl she is. What a wonderful little gal I have. She wakes up coughing and struggling to breath in the middle of the night and what does she do? With out a hitch turns on the breathing machine snuggles down on the couch after turning on Blues Clues and says, "momma, I can hold it". What?? No whining because it's the middle of the night and this machine makes it sound like a bulldozer is plowing through our living room?? No harsh words to your dear mother because she's shoving this loud, steaming monster in your face and instructing you to 'just breath it in'?? Sounds like a terrible high school experience huh?....ugh....
I love my daughter and the independent little creature that she is already becoming at 2 1/2.
And I love you Steve for getting up at the crack of dawn to entertain my daughter. What a pal you are.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My daughter is truly my friend...

I'm standing at the counter a while ago fixing lunch and for reasons only she could possibly know, Liv decides to start bouncing her forehead on my heiny. After a few glorious cushioned blows, she turns, runs into the living room and in her sing-song sort of way yells at the top of her lungs:

"MOOOM, I LOVE YOUR BUTT! *giggle giggle*"

Awww. Thanks Livie.

Monday, December 3, 2007

I suck at life.


Those who know me well, know that I HATE ruined surprises. I would rather scoop my eyeballs out with a spoon than ruin a surprise for someone or have someone ruin a surprise for me. That being said, the gift giving part of Christmas is something I get so so excited about. I LOVE finding the PERFECT gift for someone. Something that I just know they will love love love. (Might my Love Language be 'gift giving'?? hmm??)
Anyways, now that we no longer live in an apartment, we have been excited about slowly but surely turning our garage into a kind of a 'game room'-complete with a handmedown foosball table, a garage sale dart board, and an air hockey table from the inlaws. John has been known from time to time to enjoy a good poker game at friends houses when enough of them want to get together and shell out $10-$20. I have been planning for a VERY long time to complete Johns 'fun room' with getting him a poker table top for Christmas so that once in a while he can host those 'poker nights' at our house, and on Black Friday I found one!! wahoo!! I was SOOOOO excited to SURPRISE him with it Christmas morning. What a great wife. I got him a gift to use with the guys. Not even something I would use. Man I'm good.
Well fast-forward to yesterday afternoon and John was going to run out to the car to get our things from having been at church that morning and I mentioned 'don't look in the trunk' suddenly realizing I still hadn't gotten the poker table out. 'But thats where I threw our stuff' he said innocently. 'WHAT?? DID YOU SEE ANYTHING??' 'no, I just opened it up and threw our stuff in cuz it was raining then shut it.' B.S. There is no way he couldn't have seen it. So being the idiot that I am, instead of leaving it alone, I pushed and pushed and PUSHED and finally he admitted that he saw it. I LOST IT. I thought I was going to throw up. I felt like crying. He felt so bad. It wasn't his fault! I'm the butthead that left it in the freaking trunk. ugh.
So immediately I went into: ' well, I'm returning it!! I can't give it to you now that you know what it is!! I'M SO STUPID....WAHHHHH!!!'
I can't believe I'm so lame. Being as obsessed as I am with perfecting this whole gift giving thing, why would I leave it out in the open to find?? Blech. My tummy hurts now.
I love you John but now you are getting socks and underwear. Share THAT with your guy friends.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Go Elf yourself!!

We just spent close to an hour pasting different faces on these guys while nearly wetting ourselves from laughing so hard....oh man...TOO funny. ENJOY!

Thank you Alan and Michelle for providing us with some great evening entertainment!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Strike this!!

Ok, I'm officially pissed off now.....thats right, I used the P word. Don't tell my daughter or I'll punch you in the face. Ooh, and while you are at it, don't tell my Grandmother either, I don't think she would appreciate me using that word either.....
But back to the topic at hand:
I just went online to watch my 2 shows that I usually miss watching on actual TV so that my hubby can watch his shows (because I'm just a really good wife like that....)-Greys Anatomy and Private Practice and they don't have ANY new shows up!! What the....I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! MY LIFE IS OVER!! Dig my grave now folks, life is officially not worth living. Ok, not really, but man oh man am I seriously bummed. If my hunch is correct I'm almost certain that it's because of the 'writers strike' going on. wah wah wah. Cry me a frickin' river people. Can't you just Strike writing ALL your other shows?! Why the only two that I really take the time to invest myself into?! Wait, I take that back: The Office. The Office is my much needed weekly dose of hilarity and that too has been taken away from me.....
I know: 'Can't you just go read a book, Abbie?' No, if I wanted to go read a book, I wouldn't be bitching on here about missing my show now would I??
'Well, back in my day...blah blah blah' Fine that was your day. This is mine. I want my freaking show!!!

Ok. I'm done. This was officially the most pointless post I have had to date, and yet I feel miraculously better.....

Now if only they would strike something like Dora....or Blues Clues.....what a world it would truly be.....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Girl, I KNOW I can dance!!

I am SO blessed to have the best in-laws in the world. Johns sisters are truly like my own and his momma is my #2 for sure. I love them love them love them.
My momma #2 treated us girls to the-are you ready for this.......SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE tour!!!
I know. You are jealous. But God doesn't like jealousy, so why don't you just suck it up and be happy for me, k?
It's WAY too hard to try and describe how cool the show really was, so I'll just throw some pictures out at ya to enjoy....

*Doing a group dance*

*I like to pretend that it's me dancing
with Pasha during this one....*sigh*

*This dance was to the Lion King was incredible!*

*You whip that cape around
Pasha! Whip that cape you
gorgeous hunk of a man!
(it's ok, John totally knows I
feel this way. He has Halo3, I
have Pasha. He'll get over it.)*

*The lady in-laws who I got
to be super giddy with for
a night!*

Thanks momma 2 for a much needed fun night out! I love you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Not quite the 'Chester the Molester' type

So here I am working my way through my regularly visited sites in my bookmarks and decide to check my email....Oh! Looky here, someone commented on my blog! Great, let's just go check that out. A little click here, sign in there, and....*GASP*

Lets go back a bit. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read other blogs. Particularly other mommy blogs. I love to know that there are other mothers out there who, while having it all together would be just fan-freaking-tastic, we all just know thats not always possible. I LOVE to hear all the hilarious and random things their little ones say throughout the day. I LOVE that 'oh my gosh, I know JUST what you are talking about!!' feeling. Especially when you are home by yourself. All. Freaking. Day. That little bit of connection to the outside world does wonders for a depressed mother of a toddler.

Ok, back to my horrifying realization at the beginning of this post-One of the mommy blogs that I linked to my own blog as one that I regularly visit? She commented on my blog!! Oh lord. First thought: Oh crap. How did she know that I have been reading her blog?? I haven't ever commented before....she's totally going to think I'm a stalker.....How can she not think that I'm totally wierd and plotting this big 'stand outside your window and stare at you and then steal all your kids' adventure??
Please, Dear Woman, Have no fear. I can't handle one kid let alone all six of yours! ;)

Now that I have embarrassingly introduced you to my newest 'blogging buddy' wander over and take a look at her blog! If you are a Mother of 1 or 20, if you are a woman, shoot-even if you just have a pretty darn good sense of you humor, you will appreciate it! I promise! And tell her that her stalk....I mean Abbie sent you! HAHAHA JOKES people, jokes!!

Oh lord, have I dug myself even deeper?? *sigh*

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Friggin Thanksgiving

Dear A-hole who-decided-to-share-this-disgusting-cold-with-me,

Really?? Was it imperative that you spread the most repulsive cold possible?? When the ever-thickening phlegm was caked to the back of your throat, was your first thought to hunt me of all people down and make sure that I was the one who rejoiced in the beauty of hacking on indescribably revolting junk with you?? When your cold finally started to fade, but then came back the very next day 10 times worse, did you think 'Oh, Abbie would LOVE this one!'?? Thanks. Thanks for thinking of me first jerk. Hope that made your day.

Not so Sincerely,


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh Happy Day

Yesterday was a super enjoyable day, I turned 25. That in of itself wasn't the most enjoyable thing ever, but the festivities surrounding yesterday were fun. My day started with "Psst, momma!", and there by my bed stood the most handsome man and the most adorable little girl you ever saw holding my favorite kind of donut with lit candles on it. They proceeded to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me and then Liv helped me blow out the candles. (I can tell it took a lot of self control on her part to not blow them out on her journey helping carrying it up the stairs).
The day carried on with a fun trip to the mall to wander and maybe grab a few 'much needed' things. haha
John and I had this big plan to go to PF Changs for din din (just the two of us), then go see a movie. Well, that slowly whittled down to 'maybe lets just go to dinner, then come back in and have banana splits at moms house'. Then from there it went 'Man, I'm pooped after the mall, lets just got somewhere in town...'. The final result of my indecisiveness was getting chinese take-out, going back home, pulling out the futon and watching our new Shrek the Third movie! (Don't tell Livie we watched the new Shrek movie without her!!) Yum. Plain pan-fried noodles and a funny movie-is there anything better?? I then got to enjoy some SERIOUSLY tasty banana splits and fun family at my Mommas house. What a great day :)
Thanks to everyone for your warm birthday wishes! And those who didn't know it was my birthday, you can go ahead and tell me now and I'll forgive you. :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A face only a mother could love....

I believe her exact words were:

"I love you sweetie. Now go and put some cucumbers on those eyes."

Thanks momma. I love you :)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Soothing melodies and a warm heart...

Those of you who have never experienced the awesomeness that is Colbie Caillat, PLEASE do so. I heart her. I freaking love her like a fat kid loves cake. As my friend Em says, 'like a 2nd grader loves recess'. You get the idea. She's fan-freakin-tastic. I discovered her beautiful voice on myspace a long long time ago, no one had ever really heard her much, and I couldn't figure out how. Now she's come out with her long-awaited album and everyone can see why I'm so ga-ga over her. Did I mention I kinda like her??

My worlds-best-hubby arrived at home last night with the most wonderful surprise a down-in-the-dumps kind of girl could hope for:

1. The new Colbie Caillat CD
2. The new 'US Weekly'
3. 10 bucks with instructions to go relax in a tanning bed somewhere-and 'take your new CD, because I checked it out and you can listen to your own music in them!'

Wha....WHAT?! Is this guy for real?? I'm suprised he didn't choke on his words as he walked through the front door only to see me sitting on the couched in my sweats, nasty hair, hovered over a bowl of mac and cheese. One look and I'm sure his first thought was 'eh, maybe she just needs to be taken out back and shot!' hahaha
Seeing as I wasn't feeling well last night, I took a rain check on the tanning idea but GLADLY sneaked upstairs (after MUCH protest from my daughter), popped the beautiful words of Colbie into the trusty CD player, crawled under the covers and for the next 2 hours proceeded to catch up on all the latest gossip on my Hollywood friends. Wow. I couldn't believe how wonderful that was.
Thank you Johnny for knowing exactly what I needed. I promise my 'Funk' will be over with soon. Bear with me. I love you :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

You go girl

Read this...

Funk-a-delic yo!!

So I am in a major funk lately. I mean like MAJOR.
For about the past week, I've been feeling completely unmotivated in everything I do (or don't do for that matter).
Most days this week I'm not even out of my sweats by the time John peeks his head in the front door at the end of the day.
Most days my showers have been saved until after dinner when I can have a peaceful, uninterrupted few moments to myself to shampoo my indescribably colored hair with yes, you heard it, Herbal Essence baby! There's something about having another person in the house to distract my unbelievably hyper-active toddler while I shower so I'm not subjected to the shower door flying open and an excited voice yelling 'Mommy! Sing with me! What wanna sing? A B C D Little starrrr...' . *sigh* Sure Liv, I'll sing with you while I'm standing here dripping wet freezing my patootie off....
Most days this week all I can manage is shoving the dishes into the dishwasher and MAYBE one load of laundry. (note-there is QUITE a bit more than one load of laundry waiting on my bedroom floor just begging to be washed.
Most days this week, all I want to do is crawl under the covers and lay there. I'm not tired per say, but I feel like I mentally/emotionally/physically cannot do more than wrap myself up to mummy status and lay on our newly discovered unbelievably comfortable Ikea futon. But thats not going to happen.
Most days this week I have been SERIOUSLY unhappy with the state of my body. My weight, the direction things are going (literally-ha!), the patches resembling that of a certain dairy food coating the back of my once taut buttocks and thighs....I've NEVER been one to care about my weight/body, so why when I gain a little weight should I really care now?? UGH.
Generally speaking I'm a decently patient person when it comes to my daughter. Notice I said decently. No comments from you, John you big turd! :) Really, I have to be, I'm home with her all day. But this week, the smallest things just totally set me off. I have ZERO patience. NONE. ZILCH. NADA.
Laying in bed last night in my depressed state I tried thinking about what may have set this all off? Let's see, it's been going on for almost a week now, what happened a week ago? Then, it hit me. No, not literally, (though that may have got my ass in gear a bit!) but I realized about a week ago is when the weather started getting crappy again. I'm a TOTAL warm weather girl. Anything having to do with the sun-I'm there. And I get this total feeling of euphoria after spending an amount of time basking in the fake sun we like to call a tanning bed. Am I dealing with Seasonal Depression?? hmmm.....
All that being said, my normally excitable 2 year old has this week of all weeks decided she would like to be SUPER TODDLER and rid the world of anything peaceful, quiet and still. She's actually resembling what I would envision a rabbit on crack cocaine would be like. *another sigh*
Ok God, seriously, are you just sitting up there on your nice fluffy cloud getting major chuckles out of all this?? Is my insanity HUMOROUS to you?? NOT funny God. NOT laughing down here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pinch it off!!!

Ok, no joke we have the dumbest fish ever. I was just up laying Livie down for her nap and glanced over at our little scaly friend and noticed he has a long string of poop approximately 6 inches or so in length just dragging along behind him. EW. John and I often comment (because we have nothing better to do) on how often this little guy swims around with poo attached to his behind. But NEVER has he had dung about 2 X's his length catching a ride on his teeny tiny tooshy. That's disgusting. If I had crap hanging off of my bum all day for the whole world to see, I wouldn't have any friends. At least I would hope that I wouldn't. Who would want to be friends with someone that wants to be friends with someone that has poop hanging off of their butt?? You get the point. Maybe thats why he's content to swim around his little fishy world by his self.
Or, maybe he's not dumb. Maybe he has some bowel issues. Either way, gross. I knew I didn't like fish for a reason. (besides the obvious fact that they taste/smell revolting....)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

M-I-N, N-I-E, M-O-U-S-E!!!

*squeek squeek* (Thats mouse talk for Happy Halloween!)

So much fun was had trick or treating last night-I still can't believe I have a child old enough to carry on this candy gathering tradition. *sigh* Too weird. The best part about this being her very first year was that shes still too young to eat ALL the candy herself, so of course Mom and Dad are gladly here to help her out :)

Shoot, it's fun having a 'cute' child, they seem to get more candy than the others.....
(overheard by a neighbor) "oh your are too cute! Here, take some more!" hahaha

You go girl! You get that candy!! (and share with your dearest mommy and daddy of course)