Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hooray Albuterol. You Go Girl.

It's approximately 3:14 in the AM ladies and gents. No, I'm not a night owl. Nope, not a middle of the night call of nature. I've got a little one with a bad cold. And any well informed American knows: Bad cold+asthmatic child=One miserable little human being.
Thank you Steve from Blues Clues for entertaining my sweet daughters mind while we accomplish the ever dreaded middle of the night Nebulizer treatment. What's a mother to do in the middle of the night while trying to stay awake to encourage her child to 'take a deep breath honey' and 'keep breathing the medicine in'? Why, blog of course! Duh!
I guess I'm just filled with a little pride for my daughter right now and thought I would share a bit before I burst and little happy dancing people explode all over my living room. No one wants to clean that up at 3 in the freaking morning. No, I don't have crazy little midget men running around my house in the middle of the night, I just imagine thats what my pride looks like inside my chest right now.....
Back to my daughter.....
I've just realized what a big girl she is. What a wonderful little gal I have. She wakes up coughing and struggling to breath in the middle of the night and what does she do? With out a hitch turns on the breathing machine snuggles down on the couch after turning on Blues Clues and says, "momma, I can hold it". What?? No whining because it's the middle of the night and this machine makes it sound like a bulldozer is plowing through our living room?? No harsh words to your dear mother because she's shoving this loud, steaming monster in your face and instructing you to 'just breath it in'?? Sounds like a terrible high school experience huh?....ugh....
I love my daughter and the independent little creature that she is already becoming at 2 1/2.
And I love you Steve for getting up at the crack of dawn to entertain my daughter. What a pal you are.


Unknown said...

Oh, what a big girl! Congratulations Mommy!

Redhead in Vegas said...

so i just spent the past 10 minutes of my life reading about steve. thanks abbie, as if i didn't have enough useless info floating around in my head. hope livie feels better soon!

MKHKKH said...

I have one of these too! Doesn't it just melt your heart when they act so grown-up. Good job mama! I hope she gets well soon. The cold season scares me so much with my little respiratory gal.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I love reading your blog. You are so funny. Thank you for helping me to see that I am not the only mom who feels depressed and crappy sometimes. I love my kids and husband, and I have to get it through my head that is enough.Happy blogging to you, hope your baby girl gets better soon.