Friday, December 28, 2007

Went to the chapel, we did done got married.

Today is our 5-year wedding anniversary and I'm quite possibly the most romantic wife ever recorded. I've got Diarrhea, a snotty nose, and a sore throat. Can you say S-E-X-Y?? I know, you are all jealous, it's ok. It only happens to the most beautiful of humans. *sigh*

5 years ago today the love of my life and I stood up in front of our closest family and friends and promised to be the best of friends through thick and thin. And though we have been through a lot in the short 5 years that we have been married, I have to say we have both held up our ends of the bargain pretty darn well. I have been thinking over the last couple of days how incredibly blessed I am. Who can HONESTLY truly say that the person they married is really their best friend. I can. I'm so lucky to have a husband that I really can talk anything through with. Nothings off limits. We've got a problem? No matter how big, we talk through it and in the end appreciate each other that much more.

Sometimes I like to sit and think about that day back in Junior High when I met John for the first time. I remember 'flirting' (only as true 7th graders do), I sat behind him in Health class and would often poke him with my #2 pencil in the back of the head. Well during one of my incessant poking sessions he turned around mid-jab and *whoops!* I poked his loose tooth right out of his head!! Ohhh the horror of that moment. It puts a big smile on my face to think that at that very moment God had a big grin on his face because only he knew that these two awkward pre-teens would later in life become soul mates with a crazy child of their own! Oh the sense of humor our precious God has, huh?

I love you with everything in me my sweet Johnny. You are truly my best friend and I'm so lucky that God placed you right where you should to me!
Happy Anniversary!

p.s. Just in case I never said it, I'm sorry for knocking your tooth out. Well, kinda sorry. :)

This is John and I in '98, our Jr year in High school. Yikes. Can you say homely??

This was in Dec. of 2002-the day John and I said our 'I dos'!

This was our first wedding anniversary-we were living in Las Vegas at the time and had a beautiful dinner up in the rotating restaurant at the top of the Stratosphere.

Wow. HUGE. I think this was about a month? before Liv was born in '05. Would you believe me if I told you I got A LOT bigger before Liv FINALLY decided to show up a week overdue?? *whew* Look how excited John is though. *sigh*


denise said...

...and this Momma couldn't feel happier or more blessed by my amazing son-in-law. Good job, Abs! Umm...I suppose you're ok too...:)

MKHKKH said...

Happy Anniversary Abbie! You've come a long way baby! My hubby and I have been together since we were 14 too. I didn't knock out his tooth, but he broke my dad's chair. LOL. I love the thought of God grinning at those moments like we do now. I hope you feel better soon. HUGS.

Jenny said...

How sweet Abbie! Very cute picture story...I feel like I know you now!!! You two are adorable. Congrats on your anniversary. Erik and I just had our tenth, and it's still as awesome as the fifth! Happy New Year!

Jenny said...

Hope you feel better!

Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love this post! Congratulations!!