Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh Happy Day

Yesterday was a super enjoyable day, I turned 25. That in of itself wasn't the most enjoyable thing ever, but the festivities surrounding yesterday were fun. My day started with "Psst, momma!", and there by my bed stood the most handsome man and the most adorable little girl you ever saw holding my favorite kind of donut with lit candles on it. They proceeded to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me and then Liv helped me blow out the candles. (I can tell it took a lot of self control on her part to not blow them out on her journey helping carrying it up the stairs).
The day carried on with a fun trip to the mall to wander and maybe grab a few 'much needed' things. haha
John and I had this big plan to go to PF Changs for din din (just the two of us), then go see a movie. Well, that slowly whittled down to 'maybe lets just go to dinner, then come back in and have banana splits at moms house'. Then from there it went 'Man, I'm pooped after the mall, lets just got somewhere in town...'. The final result of my indecisiveness was getting chinese take-out, going back home, pulling out the futon and watching our new Shrek the Third movie! (Don't tell Livie we watched the new Shrek movie without her!!) Yum. Plain pan-fried noodles and a funny movie-is there anything better?? I then got to enjoy some SERIOUSLY tasty banana splits and fun family at my Mommas house. What a great day :)
Thanks to everyone for your warm birthday wishes! And those who didn't know it was my birthday, you can go ahead and tell me now and I'll forgive you. :)


Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY! I love that they brought you a donut!!...with candles! Sounds like you had a great day! and the pics are too cute!....

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! I will sing a "Happy Happy Joy Joy" version of the birthday song for you along with a little dance: Judah's joining in as well. :)