Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Funk-a-delic yo!!

So I am in a major funk lately. I mean like MAJOR.
For about the past week, I've been feeling completely unmotivated in everything I do (or don't do for that matter).
Most days this week I'm not even out of my sweats by the time John peeks his head in the front door at the end of the day.
Most days my showers have been saved until after dinner when I can have a peaceful, uninterrupted few moments to myself to shampoo my indescribably colored hair with yes, you heard it, Herbal Essence baby! There's something about having another person in the house to distract my unbelievably hyper-active toddler while I shower so I'm not subjected to the shower door flying open and an excited voice yelling 'Mommy! Sing with me! What wanna sing? A B C D Little starrrr...' . *sigh* Sure Liv, I'll sing with you while I'm standing here dripping wet freezing my patootie off....
Most days this week all I can manage is shoving the dishes into the dishwasher and MAYBE one load of laundry. (note-there is QUITE a bit more than one load of laundry waiting on my bedroom floor just begging to be washed.
Most days this week, all I want to do is crawl under the covers and lay there. I'm not tired per say, but I feel like I mentally/emotionally/physically cannot do more than wrap myself up to mummy status and lay on our newly discovered unbelievably comfortable Ikea futon. But thats not going to happen.
Most days this week I have been SERIOUSLY unhappy with the state of my body. My weight, the direction things are going (literally-ha!), the patches resembling that of a certain dairy food coating the back of my once taut buttocks and thighs....I've NEVER been one to care about my weight/body, so why when I gain a little weight should I really care now?? UGH.
Generally speaking I'm a decently patient person when it comes to my daughter. Notice I said decently. No comments from you, John you big turd! :) Really, I have to be, I'm home with her all day. But this week, the smallest things just totally set me off. I have ZERO patience. NONE. ZILCH. NADA.
Laying in bed last night in my depressed state I tried thinking about what may have set this all off? Let's see, it's been going on for almost a week now, what happened a week ago? Then, it hit me. No, not literally, (though that may have got my ass in gear a bit!) but I realized about a week ago is when the weather started getting crappy again. I'm a TOTAL warm weather girl. Anything having to do with the sun-I'm there. And I get this total feeling of euphoria after spending an amount of time basking in the fake sun we like to call a tanning bed. Am I dealing with Seasonal Depression?? hmmm.....
All that being said, my normally excitable 2 year old has this week of all weeks decided she would like to be SUPER TODDLER and rid the world of anything peaceful, quiet and still. She's actually resembling what I would envision a rabbit on crack cocaine would be like. *another sigh*
Ok God, seriously, are you just sitting up there on your nice fluffy cloud getting major chuckles out of all this?? Is my insanity HUMOROUS to you?? NOT funny God. NOT laughing down here.


Anonymous said...

Oh, this friend speaks my mind! Both for the a) blah-de-blah-blahs going around, 2) psychotoddler "let's be Emeril and step it up a notch - BAM!" and iii) sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. I sit in front of my Happy Lamp and try to think sunny thoughts. Doesn't always work (the thoughts, not the lamp - it's *great*).

God's got a wicked sense of humor. But of course he does: where else would we get it from? :)