Saturday, December 29, 2007

MERRY CHRISTMAS.....4 days ago....sheesh....

ok ok ok OK!!! I'm finally taking the time to sit down and let you guys now how our Christmas was since you all were SO quick to look better than me and do it, like say, the day AFTER Christmas....whatever....

I know I'm with my mom on this one, that as SOON as Christmas is over, I want the decorations GONE! I'm not going to tell you what a pain in my *ace* our STUPID tree was this year. I won't tell you tell you how I'm certain that our tree had anorexic tendencies, choosing not to take a single drop of water the ENTIRE time we had it. Not. a. single. one. I won't tell you how when I finally took it down yesterday it was so dry and brittle that every time it would poke me I would actually have needles stuck in my legs. ouch. I won't tell you how I had sap stuck to my hands for hours, or that 2 different spiders JUMPED, I mean JUMPED out at me from their little perch atop our rediculously ugly tree, or that I managed to leave a little water trail and GIANT needle trail across our new carpet leading out the front door where I left it-lights and all-for John to finish taking care of. No, I won't tell you all these things, because, well, I'm sure you would all enjoy at least one post where you don't have to hear me b*tch and complain about some trivial thing I happen to be going through. (but they really were disgusting spiders. huge spiders. like as big as half of my pinky nail spiders. ewww.)

John has always told me that a real live Christmas tree is just something he will not compromise on. That it's just something you do, go out and cut down a tree and then enjoy the piney smell in your home for the next few weeks. gross. I think after whining enough last night about how *horrible* my tree removal experience was, and showing him my calculations of 'if we bought a live tree every year for 15 years we would spend over $300, BUT if I went and found a really pretty *fake* tree on Clearance at Target for $50 and it lasted us that long, think of all the money we would be saving!!', he sighed and said 'fine, you win. Go get a tree.' I'll give him a little time to let that soak in then maybe tomorrow I'll go on the hunt for a nice big beautiful tree with a healthy body complex. No spiders or water for this girl. It's on like Donkey Kong my friends, it's on!!

*Here are a few pictures to highlight what really was an enjoyable Christmas time for our family*

waiting in line to see SANTA!!

Reading our special book from Santa

Livie in her Christmas Sunday dress
(please excuse the white shoes. Yes, I realize they don't 'go' with the ensemble, but I couldn't find her black shoes last minute. So just get off my back, ok? OK?!)