Friday, November 30, 2007

Strike this!!

Ok, I'm officially pissed off now.....thats right, I used the P word. Don't tell my daughter or I'll punch you in the face. Ooh, and while you are at it, don't tell my Grandmother either, I don't think she would appreciate me using that word either.....
But back to the topic at hand:
I just went online to watch my 2 shows that I usually miss watching on actual TV so that my hubby can watch his shows (because I'm just a really good wife like that....)-Greys Anatomy and Private Practice and they don't have ANY new shows up!! What the....I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! MY LIFE IS OVER!! Dig my grave now folks, life is officially not worth living. Ok, not really, but man oh man am I seriously bummed. If my hunch is correct I'm almost certain that it's because of the 'writers strike' going on. wah wah wah. Cry me a frickin' river people. Can't you just Strike writing ALL your other shows?! Why the only two that I really take the time to invest myself into?! Wait, I take that back: The Office. The Office is my much needed weekly dose of hilarity and that too has been taken away from me.....
I know: 'Can't you just go read a book, Abbie?' No, if I wanted to go read a book, I wouldn't be bitching on here about missing my show now would I??
'Well, back in my day...blah blah blah' Fine that was your day. This is mine. I want my freaking show!!!

Ok. I'm done. This was officially the most pointless post I have had to date, and yet I feel miraculously better.....

Now if only they would strike something like Dora....or Blues Clues.....what a world it would truly be.....


Unknown said...

Those are my favs too. I heard them say on a talk show this a.m. that Private Practice has one more new show Wed. night and that's all. Waaaaa!