Friday, April 4, 2008

Just an uppity update of sorts.....

For those of you who are as mathematically retarded as I am, I thought I would translate my little countdown baby on the side of my blog page for you:
One hundred and seventy-some days until the baby comes means I'm now 15 weeks along! *whew*

For as much time that has passed since I first discovered I was 'knocked up', I'm certain I should be like 13 months along by now. WAY overdue.

Many of you have asked how I'm feeling...and I gotta tell ya, as soon as that 12 or 13 weeks hit, I miraculously felt quite a bit of the pukiness subside! I'm still UN-FREAKIN-BELIEVABLY tired 24/7, but I'll take that over being best friends with the porcelain god ANYDAY! I'm fortunate enough that Liv is still young enough that she takes naps daily and any genius knows that Livie taking naps=Mommy takes naps. I tend to still feel a bit yucky in the late afternoon/evening, but it's SO much better than it was.

In other news on the home front: My jubblies are still growing at rapid speed. God loves me.
My stomach on the other hand has seemed to pause right at that 'oh, is she chubby or pregnant?' stage. God laughs at me.

Speaking of knockers: I'm going to tell you a humiliating story, which is one of those that I now can look back on and laugh about. YES, those kinds of stories really DO exist!!

I believe it was about a month or two after Liv was born that I decided to don a halter top and skirt and take her down to the pool at our apartment for some nice relaxation in the summer shade. We both enjoyed being outside for a time but then that paranoid 'I'm going to suffocate my baby in this heat' fear came over me, so we packed up and headed back to the car, but not before stopping by the office to drop our rent check off and show off 'the new baby'. We stayed and chatted with the nice office ladies for quite sometime, then said our goodbyes and made our way back to the car.
Now, let me share this little side note before I continue with my story: I never breastfed Olivia. It was just a personal choice I made: I just didn't want to, and I have not regretted it since. Well, apparently your boobilies don't just 'shut off' all production EVEN AFTER TWO FREAKING MONTHS. APPARENTLY my knockers were pissed off at said decision that I had made regarding not breast feeding and decided to play a cruel, cruel joke on me.
So, here we are wandering back to the car and I stop to unlock the car door and happen to glance at myself in window, and *GASP!!* I had a GIANT wet spot RIGHT on my left knocker!!!


I guess I should clarify that it was no longer wet but a dried wet outline on my shirt which meant that it had been there the ENTIRE time I was talking to those delightfully child-free office ladies.


And so motherhood reared it's ugly head at me quite early on, and has not relented in other ways since....


Amy said...

You just gave me a good laugh, my friend! I think many of us have been there - too funny. Well it's funny think back but at the time, you want to hide!!! =)

Redhead in Vegas said...

oh abbie-
i did nurse ryan and let me tell you, i used to not leak, but gush! if i forgot to put in nursing pads i would be soaked, literally, whenever i woke up for a nap. i ruined all of my pretty comfy jammies that i bought for my post pregnancy lounging around the house. sometimes, i didn't know i was leaking, even with the pads and lance would just kinda point at my boobs and say, "you got something going on over there." i am still not sure which is worse, having leaky boobs or a leaky tampon. most people aren't staring at your crouch, ya know? i'm not quite sure how one couldn't gawk at leaky bobs.

anyhoo, since i am mathematically challenged (jerk), thanks for the update. happy to hear that you are feeling less pukey.

Jennifer said...

Oh boy. We all have these types of stories. Like the time I changed a very runny newborn diaper and preceded to go around with some "runniness" on the back of my shirt for the rest of the day. Or how hubby and I were having a (romantic) shower together after Sofia was born and my breast-feeding breasts decided to literally spray. Like a hose. All over the shower curtain. And him. Everywhere. Thank God he has a good sense of humor...

Jenny said...

I will take this opportunity you have bestowed upon me and laugh at your expense. :)
I tried nursing Chloe...didn't work out...never even tried with Em and Macy. I HATED the whole "drying up after birth" saga, and remember it well. I used to take showers with my bra on. Well, now you know you have to wear a nursing pad longer than one or two months!!!
Live and learn, baby. Live and learn.
Dr. appt went well, by the way.

Lacey said... make me laugh!! I saw you posted on my 3-0 Birthday and I had to come check you out. :-) Your blog may be addicting with your funny posts!! Your little girl is precious and congrats on the one on the way!!

Krista Motsinger said...

TOOO FUNNY. I did nurse Logy Pogy and one day I walked into fred meyer to bring a baby outfit back. The girl goes...oh, did you just have a baby? I said, Yes I did all proud and then she said, I could could tell because you have dried breast milk on your sweetshirt...SO embarrassing!!!!! Okay...enough from lil ol me! Congrasts on 15 weeks. We are 5 1/2 weeks apart..FUN!!! When do you find out what your having?

Redhead in Vegas said...

hi girl-
i am tagging you for a meme.

5 Classes I Wish They Would've Taught In School

i just posted mine.

HoodMama said...

Oh sweet abbie, thank you for the great belly laugh! You rock.

kim-d said...

Hehehehe...oh, Abbie, I'm sorry that happened to you and your mamaboobies...hehehehe. But I'm very happy to hear you're feeling better...that's a definite plus. And it's also nice that you can just enjoy having the pregnantboobies before they turn into the mamaboobies. Yes, there is something to be thankful for :)!

dianna said...

Tee hee...
Thank God (and I mean that) that we can laugh at ourselves...well, maybe not at THE moment these wonderfully embarassing things happen ;)
I swear this whole Mommy thing would be tons harder if we couldn't just let go and laugh sometimes*!*
Your baby bump is too cute*!*