Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So-called peer pressure

It went something like this:

Livie: 'whew! Mom, lick my finger! It's really sour!'

Me: 'Um, no, I really don't want to lick your finger.'

Livie: 'Cmon! It's sour! You'll really really like it!'

Me: 'I really don't feel like licking your finger, Liv, but thanks anyway...'

Livie: 'Ooh! Ok, then smell my feet! (says this as she proceeds to stick her foot up in the air)

Me: 'Ew! Why?'

Livie: 'Cuz, they're really really stinky! Smell em!!'

Me: 'Gross, Olivia! I'm not going to smell your feet!'

Livie: 'But, whyyyyy??'

Me: 'Because I don't really like to smell stinky feet. No, I'm not going to smell your feet, thats disgusting.'

Livie: (in TOTAL teenager fashion) 'UGHHHH! Fine...'

Wow. Seriously, who's child is this??


Berleen said...

LMAO Thanks for that laugh....

MKHKKH said...

She is gonna be a handful girl! She is so cute. I can see she gets it from you! :)

kim-d said...

Well, you would know better than I would, whose child she is--but I can definitely say this. Whoever she belongs to, she's funny as all get-out! What a sense of humor, and you can see it in her little face! You will be needing the fit her bedroom windows with bars, though :)!!!!

Amy said...

So very cute, she is!

Happy Days said...

She is so cute and so funny!
Just stopped by. I have been seeing you around. I love your blog. I will be back!

Kellan said...

How cute!!! And, that picture of your little Olivia is too precious - she is a little doll!!!! I love her name too - love that you call her Livie - too sweet.

Take care - Kellan

Jenny said...

I smell my kids feet all the time...but lick their finger? I almost threw up when I read that. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye.
CUTE picture!

Don Mills Diva said...

Ummm - I don't know you that well but I can kinda see you saying stuff like that...I'm just sayin'...:-)

lovelyshan said...

I imagine her playing that one on a future boyfriend some day.

Oh gee, she's so cute.