Friday, April 18, 2008

Somewhat of a 'hairy' situation

I've been avoiding this post. I needed time to 'think about' what I've done.

I committed a horrible crime.

In fact, I'm certain some may say it could be a form of child abuse.

I, Abbie, cut my daughters beautiful hair. On purpose. Into a short bob.

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. And there is no mistaking that SHE and everyone who has seen it loves it.

I'm just dealing now with the fact that I have cut those precious curls which at one time took up residence on my babys mostly bald head. Her very first hair. I cut it. Off.


I had been dealing with wanting to do this for some time. It was just getting so scraggly and if we missed a day or two of washing it, you would swear a rat had begun paying rent somewhere in that mess of a nest.
So, Monday night I headed over to my moms house (for moral support of course) and amidst tears (mine) I began hacking away.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually layed awake in bed most of that night begging for forgiveness from the hair gods and trying to ward off panic attacks at the atrocity that had occurred earlier in the evening. I was SICK at what I had done.

Now I'm better and can't get over how absolutely freaking darling she looks with her new 'do' and how well it brings out her sassy little personality!

*note: hair gods, if you are listening, I DID save a few curls in a plastic baggy. I felt kinda creepy weeping and digging through a pile of a small childs hair, but I did it so you wouldn't curse me early with something awful like bald chunks or thinking that blue hair would be cool well before I'm ready for it. Thank you.*

AWWW CRAP. Blogger won't let me upload the pictures right now. I'll try again a little later!


kim-d said...

Awww, man! I've gotta see some pictures (said in Christopher Walken voice, a la "I gotta have more cowbell!" HA!). Because I think a short bob is perfect for her, and I can imagine how darling she looks. You are a good Mom, saving her from having rat's nest hair! I am proud of you for doing that which is most difficult!

You, my dear, are the BEST--and don't you ever forget it, Missy! :)

Jennifer said...

aww I know EXACTLY how you feel. Sofia had these sweet spiral curls. All the other toddlers were totally envious :) And I, her mother, chopped them all off. I was sure that the curls would just spring up. But no. I just cried when it was over. I felt ill. But now that her heair is longer, I see them starting to form maybe there's some good news :)

Jenny said...

I did the same thing to Macy when she was about 3 years old. And for the same reason. Her hair was like Liv's "before" pic, but God help us when it was time to brush it. I didn't feel any anxiety or guilt, but my Mom and Nana acted like I had her get a tattoo. At least your Mom was supportive!!! I said in the prior post, and I'll say it again...she looks so sweet and wonderful and I think you did a great job!