Monday, April 28, 2008

It's a bouncing baby.....

Kidney stone?!


Last Wednesday I woke up at 3 in the am to what mysteriously felt like labor pains. I woke up and tossed and turned for a good hour feeling that crampy feeling in my baby maker and lower back. Initially I figured, 'eh, it's just the baby growing again', because often times I get a little crampy when that happens.

It started to get a little worse over a short span of time, so bad that I could not sit let alone stand in one spot for long. I spent the next hour pacing the living room floor and leaning on the couch doing breathing exercises.

Then it hit me.

I suddenly had that 'I feel like I have to poop, but I know I really don't need to' feeling. Most women that have gone through labor know this can be a tell tale sign for the fact that yes, you are in labor. NOT a good sign for a pregnant gal who is a mere 18 weeks along....

I immediately called my doctor at 5:00am and woke her from her precious, comfortable, un-crampy slumber and described in detail what that last 2 hours had been feeling like. She told me she would be in the office at 7 and to just show up, but if it got worse, to go into the E.R. immediately. She explained that sometimes these can be signs of kidney infection or stones, or a good old bladder infection.


After getting off the phone and trudging back up to bed, I realized, this was in fact NOT getting better and I was scared. And in pain. And scared.

Nana came down to stay with Liv while John and I raced over to the E.R.

You know what my favorite thing in the E.R. is? The fact that they feel the need to ask you every question in the book right down to your preference over ketchup or mustard, while they know full well that you are a pregnant woman 18 weeks along who is experiencing incredibly real labor like feelings. I guess the deep breathing and tears and leaning on the desk with eyes clothes just didn't give them the sense of urgency I thought it would. Maybe next time I'll scream, 'WHY IN GODS NAME DO YOU CARE WHETHER I PREFER BOXERS OR BRIEFS? GIVE ME SOME FRICKIN DRUGS!!'.

Yes, I think that might get the job done.

Eventually I was hauled back to a room and was immediately given some wonderful pain meds via IV. Beautiful beautiful pain meds. I heart the pain meds.

We then heard the babys heart beat. I cried tears of joy. I don't think I realized how worried I was about it until we actually heard it. John had the biggest grin on his face. The baby was good.

They then wanted me to pee in a cup. Because of the fact that I had been on the toilet for the last 2 hours thinking I was needing to poo, I couldn't pee a decent amount of urine into that tiny sized cup to save my life, so while chug-a-luggin' on a nice big cup of water, they wheeled me down to the ultrasound tech to check on baby and take a peek at my sexy little bladder and kidneys.

No really, they were HOT.

After all was said and done, everything looked great and after seeing what appeared to be a small amount of fluid in my right kidney combined with the traces of blood that was in my urine that I was finally able to squeeze out, it was confirmed that yes, in fact, I had kidney stones.


I'm proud to say that by the next morning I was the proud mother of a precious little kidney stone. *grin* I felt like I should have named it or put a little bow on it's head. But instead I sent it on to the lab. Bummer. I had such high hopes for my little rock friend.

ANYHOO...back to the ultrasound. We got to see the baby. Not like a tadpole-ish looking blob taking up residence in my uterus, but an actual baby. We saw the precious profile. We saw feet and toes and fingers. We saw perfection.
Which got me thinkin'...if I can see toes and fingers, maybe she can see a wiener or a hoo-ha?? You better believe I harrassed her until she looked. Oh you better believe it.

She looked.

She knew.

We now know.


Another girl!!

Oh crap, I'm so friggin excited. Aside from the fact that this will save us so much money due to 9 18-gallon buckets of clothes I have of Olivias to pass down, aside from that, it just felt right-for us to have another girl.

John had been secretly half-crossing his fingers for a boy, because, well, what man DOESN'T want a little boy to rough around? But the second she told us to expect a girl, Johns face grinned wider than I had seen in a long time. That was so cool
He later told me the same thing-that it just seemed right for us to have another girl. Like it just fit perfect for us.

And he's right. Because he is SUCH a good dad to the little girl we already have, to think that I'm going to have two of the luckiest girlies in the world to have a daddy like him. *sigh*


Megasmiles Personalized goodies! said...

Yeah, I have a penis in side me 24/7....jealous much!! :)

You should take a picture of your little "rock friends" and scrapbook them!!!

bug2330 said...

geez- i'm not even pmsing and i'm still teary! not about the baby kidney rocks, but about the precious daddy and his girls! i swear i'm a mess!
i'm so glad to be getting to know you better! i'm glad the pain is gone and that little girlie inside is doing ok.

i will miss your smiling face this week- who told those kids they could have a day off school anyway???

have a good week-

allison (from bible study)

Redhead in Vegas said...

hurray!!!! i mean that it's a girl, not that you had to go thru intense agony to find out. did you actually pass the stones out? OMG, was that worse than labor?????

kittykat said...

Ok, so no fair. Carey totally wrote what I was going to... get out of my head!!

Hooray, it's a girl!!

Kelly said...

So did you eventually get to bring the stong home with you to put on display?? You should get a medal or trophy for that one!!

YAY on another girl!! You guys must be ecstatic and I'm so glad she is doing ok in spite of your not so fun ordeal!!

HoodMama said...

Yippee!!! Not about the stones but about another sweet baby girl for your precious family. That is so great!!! WhooHoo!

Abbie said...

Carey, actually I didn't even feel it when I peed it out the next morning! It was the moving from the kidney to the bladder that killed me. ew.

Anonymous said...

Soooo sorry about the pain and the ER, but YAY YAY YAY you are having a girl!!!!!! :) I am soooo excited for you!!! I have my baby shower this weekend, I am so excited to be all goo ga over all the girly things!!! :)

Lacey said...

You are great with words. I have been enjoying keeping up with you...through Katie's blog..
Sorry about the kidney stone- OUCH!! But congrats on another sweet beautiful girl!! Her and her sister will be the best of friends!

Jeph and LeAnnes Blog said...

Yeah, another girl!!! you guys have names picked out?

Don Mills Diva said...

What a roller coaster ride of a coast - I was worried for you, I felt bad for you and now I'm THRILLED for you - congrats on your girl!

T. Russell said...

Hooray for baby girls!!!

Jenny said...

Oh Abbie! A little sister for Liv! You will LOVE having 2 girls. LOVE IT! Congrats! sweet cyber friend...I was blessed with a kidney stone with my second pregnancy just like you! Except mine came when I was 8 months along, so I really thought I was in labor. Also, I tend to vomit when I'm in pain so it was a whole mess. We actually called an ambulance and everything! So, I'm sorry to hear what you went through and I hope that's your one and only experience with kidney stones! Now rest and feel better!

Jenny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

I hope you are feeling better.

Congratulations on your little girl. Great news. Your girls will be the best of friends!

Redhead in Vegas said...

did you have to scoop it out of the toilet bowl? i am getting a visual...

seriously, feel good woman. i love you to bits and would totally have been there for you while you were peeing out your stone. or any other time. like fun ones where you are not doubled over cursing the triage nurse under your breath.

ok, you get the point.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...for baby girls! I am so excited for you guys! ...Can't wait to hear the name you'll pick for her! ..hint, hint, I want to know what it is!!!


Jennifer said...


Unknown said...

Oh, I love me some baby girls! Congratulations!

Krista Motsinger said...

I am so excited for you guys!:) Livie is so sweet another little Olivia will be just perfect!!! Congrats again. I due believe it is girl season. Almost everyone I know who is prego is in fact, having girl:)

MKHKKH said...

Yeah Abbie!! What wonderful news!! I am a bit partial to girls, what can I say. Although the little guy is growing on me :) Max is the best daddy to girls too. I hope he is half as good with the little dude as he is with his ladies. You are a lucky lady.

Man, you have had one heck of a pregnancy. I had a patient who got frequent kidney stones tell me that they are WAY worse than labor. Should be a breeze for you this time. Congrats on your precious baby girl and your twin stones. LOL.

Susiewearsthepants said...

I just found your blog. Congrats to you and hubby. I have two girls myself, and I love it......well, most of the time.

Shauna said...

hi - I am just blog surfing/stalking this morning! I have had like 8 kidney stones!!!! They are ridiculous. I always get one right after I have a baby! Ugh!!!!! Congrats on the baby girl!