Monday, March 31, 2008


I don't remember ever being this aware with my first pregnancy, maybe because now I've done this before and now I know what to watch/feel for....

Or maybe it's just because I'm an anal psychopath this time around, and anything that seems a little 'off' tweaks my brains...yeah, I'm betting on that one.

It had been subtly simmering in the back of my brain that I hadn't felt any little 'flutters' in my baby maker for about a good week now. Not that I had been feeling major kicks or anything, I mean c'mon, this child is the size of a lima bean...BUT, I had been feeling some and it seemed to have stop the last week or so. And the absence of those butterfly kicks coupled with having some pretty uncomfortable cramping off and on had my brain doing uncoordinated jumping jacks.

I didn't say anything to anyone last night until I 'casually' mentioned that I was looking forward to hearing the babys heart beat at this mornings appointment because I was a 'little' worried that I felt like I hadn't noticed any kicking for a while.

Oh, and then I 'casually' mentioned the same thing to my momma.

Note to self: Don't get the gramma riled up if absolutely unnecessary. She didn't skip a beat when I mentioned it last night, didn't sound the LEAST bit worried about it-Until I talked to her today after the appointment and she made it clear that after our little conversation SHE had then been stewing over it as well.


ANYHOO, the three of us (Liv, John and myself), piled into the car at what felt like the buttcrack of dawn, made our way to our monthly appointment and nervously sat and waited for the Doctor to waltz into the room with the baby listener.

Liv crawled up and peeked her little face over the table so she could see the little doppler thingy on mommys tummy and the instant the Doctor put it on my tummy we hear 'THUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPSWISHTHUMPTHUMPTHUMP'.

WAHOO! Nervous nelly over here got her already too-tight panties in a wad all for nothin-we heard a BEAUTIFUL heartbeat at a strong 150 bpm!!

In the midst of the incredibly strong heart beat we could hear baby swimming and rolling around. It's so funny to be able to visualize that kind of thing. So weird.

I WISH you all could have seen the priceless look on Livies face the second we heard the heart beat-like it was seriously the most unbelievable thing she has ever seen.

I will forever remember the look on her face at that exact moment. It majorly kissed my heart.


MKHKKH said...

Isn't that sound the best ever? I wish I could have seen her face too! Glad all is well mama.

kim-d said...

Oh, Abbie, that is so sweet! It would be really cool if Livie could remember it herself, but this is one of those "when you were little" stories that you will tell her that she will never tire of hearing!

And I'm so glad your Little Lima Bean is doing good in there--maybe just been a little tired before.

Anal psychopath??? BWAHAHAHAHA!

YAY for baby listeners :)...

Anonymous said...

Oh Abbie how exciting...I wish I could of saw Livie's face too! How precious! I'm so happy for you that you heard the heart beat today! Yeah no more worries for Miss Abbie! To cute of a story!

Kelly said...

Awww, I bet her face was precious!! I'm so glad every thing is ok. Now stop least for a few days!! :)

Amy said...

Baby fludders, kicks, and heartbeats are just the best miracles. Seriously, this baby will be the best gift to Liv!

Krista Motsinger said...

:)You are cute! I love when you talk about Liv;) She sounds like such a doll! I go in on Thursday to hear my baby's heart beat! I am 20 weeks tomorrow...YIPPY!!! I am feeling the baby here and there but not a ton....I don't remember feeling Logan a lot til like 23 then, I won't worry! When do you find out what you are having??

Redhead in Vegas said...

oh my friend-
you just made my day. it must have been so amazing for your little family to experience that together. i have never been very good at math, how long until you find out if it's a boy or a girl?

HoodMama said...

I love that! With each pregnancy, I was more and more worried about not feeling kicks, etc. It's totally normal in a paranoid, panties in a wad kind of way! That's why I like you!

Jenny said...

Oh...too sweet! Erik and I loved hearing the heart beat so much, during Macy's pregnancy we rented the heart beat monitor and Chloe and Em would come in to the bedroom and just lie there listening. LOVE IT! Liv's gonna be the best big sister!

MKHKKH said...

How you doing? ARe you still sick? I can tell you are down and am praying for you today. Much love.

Colleen murphy said...

I miss hearing that fabulous sound. New life is such an incredible gift. When my teenagers are making me crazy I should think of your story. They grow up so fast!!! Enjoy this time, morning sickness and all. Pregnancy is the only time you will get to assist God in a miracle!!!