Monday, May 5, 2008

Bombs away!!

Who was the genius that decided to make hot dogs and baked beans for dinner last night??

Oh yeah. That idiot was me.

It was an exceptionally brilliant idea on my part considering earlier in the day we had McDonalds for lunch.

McDonalds = Gas.

Baked beans and hotdogs = Gas.

Any normal run-of-the-mill day around this house between John and Liv = Gas.

Combine those three last night and momma was sportin' a gas mask.

No joke, if you would have walked into our house at any point during the evening, I'm pretty sure a thick green smog would have been seen wafting through our living room.

'You guys stink!!' were the words most frequently hollered from this mommas mouth.

'Yeah, we do!' was all Liv would say with a smirk on her goofy little face.

I don't think John has to worry about things getting too girly around here with him being the only male in the house.

Olivia proved him wrong last night. That girl has got skills.

He was so proud.


kim-d said...

Man, since I've been reading your blog, I've always, always thought Liv was a gas...but I'm so proud that she's taken it to a whole other level!!! YAY! Seriously, what a fun--if a little stinky on occasion--kid. I'm just glad you keep that gas mask handy :)...

Kelly said...

LOL we have nights like that at our house too! :)

Jenny said...

HA! Gas all around...Em just sounded like a motorcycle at the dining room table tonight during dinner. What else can you do but laugh? And yes...she also gets it from her father. I'm the belcher. :)

Steph said...

OMG! I just read that it's a girl! CONGRATS!!! I'm a little behind and out of my blog reading rhythm, but I am back on it! Look at what I missed! Anyways, that's so great that Olivia will have a sister to play with (and toot with apparently, :).

1000 Blessings!

Redhead in Vegas said...

oh boy.
i call ryan stinky mc stinkpants. she doesn't really get it yet, but i think that she and livie will be like 2 peas in a pod.

stinky peas.

MKHKKH said...

See, now I would have been the one while pregnant tearing down the house. LOL. Liv sounds like she has got one heck of a personality!

How are you feeling post birth of the kidney stone? Any names you are willing to share for the sweet little girl to come?

Anonymous said...

I just posted about Jolee making LOTS of bad bad bad smells around here... sorry I can't tell you it gets any better when they get a little older :)