Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Whats Up Chuck?

Oh Dear.

I have been warned, no make that threatened, by a select few of you that read my bloggity blog that my back from vacation post is highly overdue. So, at the insistence of mainly my dear momma and Carey, I'll give it a shot.

You would think I would start at the beginning of our week and work my way down the line, but that would just be predictable, now wouldn't it? And since when have I ever been predictable?? Unless you we are talking about the fact that I would choose Diet Coke over my life. The choice is obvious there, but otherwise, I like to throw a wrench into things a bit...

I haven't been up to posting anything quite yet, well, because, lets just say I've had other things keeping me slightly busy. Like cleaning up Toddler puke for the last 12 hours or so. LOTS of toddler puke.

Today was Johns first day back to work, and what do ya know?? Liv decides to punish me by inflicting her bug on our home at 11:30 last night. Of course she waits until it's wussy old mom by herself all day to do this. Doesn't she know by now that Me and puke aren't like total BFF's?? And let me tell you: this child doesn't just gag and throw up, she wretches and ejects any and all goodies that have been inhabiting her stomach for the last month. Over and Over and Over again. Bless her little heart. It kills me to see her teeny body so sick.

In other bathroom news: we were making EXCELLENT progress in the potty training area this week!! YAHOO!! After a good three month LONG I'm-never-going-in-the-potty streak, things started looking up this week and she even went pee 4 WHOLE TIMES yesterday!! *sigh* I'm wondering now if I'm able to return my stock I purchased in those Depends undergarments....it's beginning to look like we aren't going to need them afterall...? We'll see.....

I'll pick right back up with letting ya all know via some pretty darn cute pictures about how our vacation week went tomorrow. Until then, pray that the puke doesn't invade my body (or Johns for that matter). I'm pretty sure Livie wouldn't think that cleaning up mommys vomit is oh so fun. OH but you better believe I would make her do that. Because I'm a really good mom like that. It's all about creating good life experiences, people.


Redhead in Vegas said...

i would like to retract my previous statement. i no longer wish to hear about what you have been up (chuck) to. hope livie feels better. and i sure hope you don't get what she has.

HoodMama said...

WOW!!! Now that's a serious vacation ender. Praying you don't get it.

Kelly said...

Girl, I feel for ya. You know how I am with puke too and I've cleaned more puke this past winter than I ever have in my life. Good grief. I sooo hope you don't get it. Not good for a pregnant babe. Hang in there~

Unknown said...

Awwwww...poor, poor baby and baby mama. Don't BREATHE 'cause you canNOT get it. Do you hear me?!

kim-d said...

That child has the winning-est smile ever. I am SO sorry about the "other" cause, gosh, she's just so darn cute (without the upping of the chuck...) :)!