Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What the crap is a Meme?!

My darling Vegas friend, Carey, passed on this little meme for me do. So, ya know, I just gotta do it. Here it goes:

5 Things in my bag:
Well, this one is a bit of a toughie. I'm afraid that carrying a diaper bag around for so long scarred me for life, so now that I don't need one, I only lug a wallet around...

1. Debit Card
2. License
3. coffee stand punch card
4. receipts, receipts and more receipts
5. coupons for childrens place and Old Navy
man, I'm so lame...

5 Things in my room:
1. My bed. My precious, precious bed. I heart my bed. Actually I heart any bed for that matter. I'm just lazy like that.
2. My book. I'm reading the Left Behind series. Lovin' it.
3. Tons O pictures of the man and I. I read somewhere once that your bedroom is that special place for your hubby and you. Who wants to look at pictures of your kids while having 'quality time' with each other?? C'mon, you know I'm right...

4. Tissues. This friggin cold is getting the best of me.
5. At this very moment, there is a crib mattress on our floor that Liv has been sleeping on while sick. For some reason I'm all paranoid that she'll vomit in her sleep and die, so it's better that I can hear her for the time being. I know, it's sick, but, well, I'm just not normal.

5 Things I have always wanted to do:
1. Go to beauty school. This is one thing I WILL accomplish once the kiddies are off to grade school at least. It's always been a dream of mine.
2. Adopt a child.
3. Pay someone to potty train my child.

4. Sky dive. On the flip side, I have NO desire to bunjee jump. Weird, right?
5. Go away with Johnny for at least a week, just the two of us, somewhere exotic, warm and with unlimited supply of 'big kid' drinks. With umbrellas. The drinks must have umbrellas.

5 Things I am currently into:
1. Blogging. Though my lack of posts as of late maybe prove differently.
2. Coloring with Livie. Ok, and trying to convince her that she wants to color so I don't feel like such a loser for coloring in her color books by myself. I love coloring.
3. LOST. Enough said.

4. Diet Coke. My forever love.
5. Whining that this baby isn't coming fast enough. I mean really. Couldn't God have made it so that they form in like a day??

5 People who should really really do this Meme thingy:
1. Mom. Seriously, you haven't posted anything in, oh, YEARS.
2. 'Shewwy' :)
3. Katie. Because I'm sure with your new little Hank, you have ALL kinds of time on your hands to do something like this. ;)
4. Devin. Because your computer cable finally came! Yipee!!
5. Leanne. You said you were in a bit of a blog rut, so here's something for you to throw on there! :)


Lacey said...

Never thought of the bedroom pictures- but you may be onto something. :0) I think a lot of my answers would be yours- must be a Mom thing. :0) Especially the potty training and vaca with "big girl umbrella drinks." :0)

HoodMama said...

My brother is a Navy SEAL and as an instructor, taught people how to jump at say, 30,000 feet with oxygen. Just let me know and I'll give you the hook up.
I'll stand on the ground in safety cheering for you.

Unknown said...

FUN! I'll do mine soon.

kim-d said...

This was fun to read, Abs!!! Me too on the beauty school thing; that is SO what I wanted to do, but my Mom wouldn't let me...serious. She went to beauty school and didn't like it (and ended up being allergic to hair dye), so I couldn't do it either. She was probably right since I'm not much on people-shmoozing in person. Me too with the bed, the Diet Coke and the wanting to skydive (in younger years), and the dumping of the purse. Isn't it funny how some things transcend generations, since I'm oh so much older than you? BWAHAHAHA! I LOVE reading about you :).