Thursday, May 22, 2008

The snot has invaded my brain.

No, really. I couldn't even think of a title for this post.

Between this incredibly revolting cold and the fact that my daughter has gained back every single ounce of energy and then some since having her nasty flu earlier in the week, well, let's just say I'm not quite on my game today, folks. Such is life.


I figured it's about time to fill ya in on some of the fun things we did on vacation last week. Compared to this week, it was pure heaven. If anyone knows someone with a time travel machine, could ya get me the hook-up? I would appreciate being sent back about 8 days. If you happen to come across one, just get 'er done, no questions asked.

The beginning of last week, we got to help celebrate Livie's friend Conner's 2nd Birthday at the Childrens Museum.
Have I mentioned before that I'm not a big fan of other peoples children that I don't know well? Ok, well, try being surrounded by 8.9 million children in an enclosed building, where their negligent parents feel the need to let them roam like cattle. With unbrushed hair. And no manners. Yikes.
Never the less, we had fun. Livie LOVES her Conner boy, and it was fun to watch the two of them play...or, I guess I should say eat. They love to eat.

After a while, Liv evidently decided she was a little overwhelmed with all the goings-on, and decided to seclude herself from the rest of the group where she could fully concentrate on licking all the chocolate frosting off of her cupcake.
Thats my girl.

After yummy goodies and presents we ventured out into the museum and tried a little face painting:

Even Daddy got in on the fun:

Poor, poor Daddy...

We also saw Liv's true girly girl colors come out, when she was adamant about not climbing into the digging pit for fear of getting her feet dirty:

She was again reluctant to step foot into the 'water room'. Heaven forbid she get her dress wet. Oh Lord, what have we created...

As you can see, once we forced, I mean convinced her playing with the water would be fun, she became a total spaz and enjoyed every minute of it. I'm still trying to decide how much Crack they laced that water with...This is the face of a child that is most definitely on something...I'll blame it on all the chocolate frosting for now....


Kelly said...

You crack me up!! I loved the pictuers and commentary! I hope you get feeling better soon. I just got over a cold too. I hadn't had one in ages and forgot what it was like to not be able to breathe. Blech.

CFC Flames '04 said...

Hi, I saw you on Kelly's blog. Your kids are so cute!

Feel better soon!

kim-d said...

Awww, Abs, I'm sorry you've got the snot brain...I am having a sympathy Diet Coke in your honor. I know, my friendship knows no bounds :)! I'm with Livie on the no-dirty-feet issue--EWWW! And also with the needing to find a quiet corner in which to lick your cupcake frosting in peace. One can only be charming and twinkly so long before it gets exhausting. But what I really need to say is, what an awesome Daddy Livie has. Seriously, what a good sport, and so cute, too. I wish for you and Livie's Daddy a wonderful island vacation with many, many adult fruity umbrella drinks--in the not-too-distant future! Just love these pix, and love that--all things considered what with upping of the chuck and all--you all had such a good time together. Suh-weet :)!!!

kittykat said...

So cute. I love reading your blogs, I think along with the becoming a hairstylist (which you would totally be good at), I think you should think about writing a book or something. No pressure, just putting it out there. Hope you guys feel better!! Love ya!

Amy said...

Feel better soon! I am glad you guys are having fun. Livie is just too cute!