Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The recap

What better way to spend a weekend than with a bunch of seriously fun ladies??

I had such a great time this weekend-it wasn't necessarily restful in the fact that I got a lot of sleep (I didn't), but it WAS restful in the fact that I was just able to get away and enjoy being somewhere other than my couch.

It was so neat to enjoy each others company-sometimes you forget what it's like to carry on an extended conversation with someone over the age of 3!
I caught myself a few times saying words like 'tubby' (bathtub) and 'yucky'. *sigh* I'm sure they all understood. My brain, I've decided, is officially engraved with random toddler words, and I'm just going to have to live with that fact. If I start babbling like an infant randomly though, THEN you will need to start worrying.....

Though my retarded brain forgot my card for my camera in our computer at home, my sister and mom DID take some great pictures.
Here are a few images highlighting our weekend:

Here, we were split off into three big groups and instructed to create a team name and banner representing our team. We then had a sort of 'Survivor' competition, complete with a trek through the outdoors, and a blindfolded eating contest....
This was our banner for our team.

And yes, we won.

Throughout the weekend there were candle holders to make...

and nails to be painted. (yes, my sister is of a different breed. I often question my biological ties to this family.)

Over all it was such an awesome weekend. It was so much more than can be put into words. A lot was done on the inside.
I'm so thankful to have had such a special time with my mom and sister.
Yes, it was a good weekend!


Kelly said...

I'm so glad you had an awesome weekend, especially since you got to be with your mom and sister too!

don't worry about the toddler talk. I find myself saying potty when around other adults.

Jenny said...

SO glad you had a great time... and SO glad you're back! I missed you!!! Oh, and stop being so cute, dammit.

Amy said...

that really sounds like it must have been fun. i am glad you got to go. it was meant to be, right?

Krista Motsinger said...

That is so great you enjoyed your weekend. Do you mom and sister live in the same town as you? I love living near my mommy.But I hate that my little brother and his wife live all the way in st.george utah....close to vegas. Have you heard of it? Ugh..I miss them:) Hope you are doing good. Are you almost to the 2nd trimester yet??

MKHKKH said...

Glad you got a little get away and special time with your mom and sister. I so know what you mean about talking like a toddler. When I would ask a woman in labor if she need to use the restroom, I would find myself saying. " Do you need to go potty?" Turn a hundred shades of red and then ask it as though I was an educated adult. LOL. Kids are great-just not for your IQ.

kim-d said...

I'm so glad you got your weekend getaway; sounds like it was just the ticket!

kathy said...

The weekend was just what the Doctor ordered for many of us. I'm so glad you guys all came. Maybe we should have a LOTL reunion some day. :)

Megasmiles Personalized goodies! said...

Glad you had a great weekend! Lets get together again soon!

Redhead in Vegas said...

it sounds like your icky belly behaved, seriously, what's up with you and your family. could you look any more adopted?

Aj Schwanz said...

Enh: sleepies are overrated, eh? Especially when you can be partying with the Ladies of the NLight. :D

Glad you could make it, friend.