Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sharing 101

I've got one thing to say.

All you co-sleepers out there? You are a crazy breed. CRAZY I tell you!!

I've never been really good at sharing. Until I got married/had kids, that is.

I grew up with just one sibling, so the rivalry wasn't HUGE being there were only two of us to divvy things up between. I was older, so if I got to it first, I would take it. I know, I'm just selfish like that.

Since starting a family of my own, I've noticed my selfish wall beginning to crumble. I'm so disappointed in myself. There is just one donut left in the box? I without a second thought will make sure John gets it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

Well, my selfish tendencies were brought back to life last night.

John was gone all night, visiting some friends some 2 1/2 hours away, so it was just me and the kid. All night. Just us.

Now, Liv has been sleeping in her own room, her own bed since she was about 3 months old. It was a decision that John and I made very early: 1, to make sure Liv had no issues sleeping on her own, and 2, for the sake of our marriage, we felt having a little one squished between us in bed for the next 3 years probably wouldn't do great things for what we like to refer to as 'marital relations'. :)
It is a VERY rare occasion that Liv will come and sleep with us in our bed. In fact I could probably count on 1 hand the amount of times she has in the last 2 1/2 years. She's never had problems sleeping in her own room/bed, in fact she rarely whines about it and goes right to sleep after we tuck her in and thats how we like to keep it.

Well, evidently, when Dads gone, all rules are flushed down the pooper.

The spawn of satan appeared in our home yesterday and continued to rear it's ugly head straight until morning.

I lay Liv down like usual and don't hear a peep for an hour....
Then, as I'm going to bed I hear 'MOOOOM'.
'What, Liv?'
'I caaan't sleeep'

So, this stupid momma in all her pregnant, pukey glory made the ridiculous mistake of asking her if she wanted to come sleep in mommys bed with mommy.

Of course she did.

So, we get all snuggled into bed: Livie, Mommy, the Giant body pillow, Blue, Elmo, blankie and Baloo. And the fun starts.

Little Miss Chatty talks my ear off until I finally turn the light off and resort to ignoring her. She falls asleep. Squished up against me. SO comfortable...not...

I'm a roller and flipper and mover in the middle of the night. Evidently so is my daughter. JUST GREAT.

Off and on through the night, I'm pretty sure it was hourly, she wakes up numerous times to inform me that she CANNOT lay on her pillow. There are snakes on her pillow.
Frickin' snakes.
I 'wipe the snakes off' and all is well again.

Suddenly, at approximately 3:45 in the AM, she sits up and decides it is time to get up and eat lunch. Hmm. Really? Because I swear it is still the MIDDLE OF THE FREAKING NIGHT!!! For the next two or so hours I convince her that it is still night night time and to NOT even think about talking to me until it is light outside.

4:15- 'Mom, can I talk yet?'



And so I am reminded again why I HATE sharing my bed. I just deal with John because he rubs my back and legs for me.

Hey, it's all about the sacrifice people, sacrifice....


Aj Schwanz said...

Aw, she's just gearing up for her days at camp! I can't tell you how many time campers woke me up for random reason or just to see if they could talk yet. They often regretted the decision to wake the slumbering counselor. My parents didn't call me Princess Morning Death for no reason. :)

I hope she slumbers, solo, well tonight.

Kelly said...

Ok, I had to LOL at the snakes on the pillow. You handled last night very well. I would have lost patience and sent my kids back to their room or I would have moved to THEIR bed! :)

Amy said...

i'm with you on the bed thing. i have my side and he has is (unless we decide to break the rules a bit!!!) three is definitely a crowd!!!

have a good night. i hope you get some sleep =)

Anonymous said...

...we're those crazy people you are talking about...the co-sleepers...or family bed... Up until the age of about 2 we had the kids in our bed....just easier, or lazier of me to nurse them! You (as a couple) become very imaginative as far as the 'marital relations' go.....but I tell you what, now that they are both out of our bed, I think I must have been crazy to allow them in in the first place....I need my space! Although waking up to those baby faces made my day...I sure do miss those babies!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Oh my gosh your child has an imagination! She cracks me up!

Jenny said...

Man, your blog keeps eating my comments. Did you train it to do that? Anyway, what I said 6 hours earlier was I agree on the "you ain't coming into THIS bed, kid" thing. I shared a bed with Macy in a hotel in PA last year, and all night I had a foot in my face. No thank you!

Jennifer said...

I still hate to share a bed. I don't care who is in it...hubby, kids, whomever. I like my space. I don't want people's feet near mine. I don't want anything except sheets and blankets touching me while I'm asleep. Sooo romantic, I know :P

But...we do keep a little pile of blankets and pillows near our bed just in case one of the kids come down. Then they can sleep on the floor near our bed.

Hope you sleep better tonight :)

kim-d said...

"Mom can I talk yet" at 4:15 a.m.--BWAHAHAHA! As far as the kids in the bed thing goes; to each their own but, man, I don't think there would have ever been enough room for me, Bill, and a kid, too; I'd have to have a pretty big bed for that! So, yeah, where is my big, huge picture of your cute mug? I'll hang it in a place of honor with all of my grandkids' pix :)!!!