Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm straight up busting out of this joint....yo....

God is constantly astonishing me with his crazy-cool ways of orchestrating our lives....

I haven't attended the weekly womens bible study at our church for quite a while. For the last month and a half I've been feeling like a big bag of crap with all this morning sickness and just haven't had the energy to claw my way out the door in the morning, much less make myself look presentable. I've missed it. Oh how I've missed it.

I miss getting to just BE in the presence of other women. Any women. But these women in particular are just the coolest chicks on the planet. They have this absolutely INCREDIBLE desire to hold each other up and bless each other with encouraging words and prayer. Cool cool ladies I tell ya.

WELL, randomly I got up this morning and decided: THATS IT. I'm dragging my obnoxiously sick butt outta bed and Liv and I ARE GOING. They are women. They are going to understand why I look/feel/act like hell. And if not, at least I will pretend that they understand...

So I got there, slowly regretting every second that went by....I just felt so weak, so tired, so sick.

During announcements the yearly 'womens retreat' was mentioned. This was something I had been planning on going to-it's just an awesome weekend at the beach for a bunch of ladies from the church to be together, there may be 1 or 2 little talks/sharing times, but over all, it's a weekend to just be together, play games, do crafts, read, be by yourself, but to mostly just BE together in the presence of our awesome God. Last time I went I just happened to be pregnant with Liv, and here I knew this time I would be pregnant this round too. Oh joy. What I DIDN'T realize was that this little ladies get away snuck up on me and bit me in the butt about three weeks earlier than I thought it was going to be.



Aw frick.

I went into 'oh bummer, poor me I can't go now' mode thinking it was just too late to get childcare organized, things packed, snacks shopped for. Oh was I wrong...

WHY am I so darn good at doubting God??

My dear friend Aj just simply looked at me and my sulky face and said 'just go! I am, kinda last minute!' Oh. You mean I'm not the only goober that waited until the last minute possible to sign up?? I kid, Aj friend. Kinda. ;)

So, back to Gods little orchestration: John was THRILLED with the idea of me going and getting some wonderful time to myself, Livie's aunt and uncle were MORE than happy to have her come stay the night one night (she even gets a chuck e. cheese visit out of her stay!! Can you say SPOILED?!) AND, the most exciting part: I discovered that my mom and sister were also really wanting to go but had been debating whether or not to, but I convinced them and now we are all traveling down there together and staying in a cabin together all weekend!!

My mom made the comment that it was pretty obvious that God really wanted us to go! I think so too...

It's so funny to think that if I wouldn't have hauled my stubborn butt over to bible study this morning, then I wouldn't have heard the announcements, and my thick head wouldn't have realized until too late that it was this weekend!

And THAT my friends is how our awesome God works!


Amy said...

some things are really meant to be. i think today was definitely one of them. i am glad you made it there. isn't it funny how things turn out?

that retreat sounds so nice. i would love to do something like that.

i wish you well!

Kelly said...

Yay for you!! Go, relax and have fun. I hope you feel a little better this weekend too, this day sickness crap HAS to pass right??

Anonymous said...

God never stops amazing me! Yet I always doubt him! LOL I'm so excited for you!! Enjoy the beach for me and have lots of resting time!

Redhead in Vegas said...

have fun!!!
i can't wait for the post that will follow this event. just try not to pee in your pants from laughing too hard with your family!

kim-d said...

That is exactly how our Awesome God works, Sweet Girl! I am SO GLAD you get to do this...and with your Mom and sister? SUH-WEET!!! I never cease to be amazed by how we are given what we need right when we need it. And YOU need this. My scrapbooking weekend was like that...I absolutely love getting together with women who "get it." But, being that I'm a little greedy, even though I just had my weekend, I'd still like to be going on yours, too! :)

Have fun, Abbie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes: I am a goober. We goobers have to stick together, you know (heh heh). :D

Jenny said...

Have a wonderful weekend, Abbie!

Unknown said...

How fun!! Go and have a blast!!!

Don Mills Diva said...

Have a wonderful time and come back refreshed!

kathy said...

I'm SO glad you all came. I'd been bugging your mom to come for a couple weeks and she just wouldn't relent. Thanks for changing her stubborn mind! It was a wonderful surprise to see you all come in together. :)

MKHKKH said...

I hope you had a great time. It is so awesome to see God in action like that. Divine intervention, even for the small stuff. Too cool!