Saturday, March 1, 2008

okay okay OKAY!!! sheesh....

Since Jenny is SO eager to hear whether or not I attained a position in the entertainment industry pre-kids, and she WILL not leave me alone until I tell her, I figured I had better not delay on answering the rest of questions you fine ladies asked me as well.

Here goes nuthin' part deux:

Jenny asked: What job did you have before becoming a Domestic Engineer? And you HAVE to answer...even if you were a stripper! Were you? :)

So sorry to disappoint you my dear Jenny friend, but no. No exotic dancer past in this girls life. Unless you count dancing on the coyote ugly bar in las vegas during my 21st birthday. But that most certainly was for laughs, definitely NOT the exotic form. By the way, ask John why in heavens name he thought it would be great idea to call my mom and sister and tell them what I was doing at that very moment. Really, ask him because I have no freaking idea.
ANYWAY...I actually worked in clothing retail from about the year before we got married up until about 7 months ago. Whats better than being surrounded by cute clothes all day? LOVED it.
Other jobs I've had in my lifetime are: housekeeping for a camp and conference center, housekeeping for a hotel (ew), pizza maker, fundraising calling for my college, bridal store associate (lasted 2 days, another post for another day), bookkeeper for a tire store, stock room associate in a large chain store....I think that pretty much covers it.

Now, Kim-d said she would listen if I REALLY felt the need to talk about my bowels, but I'll go ahead a humor her and answer the question she's MORE interested in hearing the answer to:
"What I wanna know is this--name(s), specifically, for your new peanut. Girl? Name. Boy? Name. If Olivia would have been a boy instead of a girl? Name."

Well, If Olivia had been a boy, which I was SO sure she was going to be, we were going to name her Jackson and call her Jack. But alas, she very obviously is of the female persuasion, so we named her after our favorite character on our favorite show at the time: Olivia on Law and Order SVU. Cheesy, I know.
If our new little peanut is again a girl, we will most likely name her Samantha. Such a precious name. I have ALWAYS loved the name 'Ruby' for a girl, I just think that is the cutest little girl in pigtails kind of name. John isn't so fond of it. *sigh*
If it turns out that God blesses us with a boy, we REALLY like the name Sawyer. Jenny: one guess why, c'mon, I KNOW you can get this one :) We also still really like Jack, but it would have to just be Jack, Jackson has been used in our family since having Olivia. That would just get too confusing.

My Katie-girl jokingly asked me this (which led me to think she was trying to pick up on me?? Were you Katie, huh??):
What's your sign? LOL!
Well, I'm a Scorpio. Does that mean good things for us Katie? Do we mesh well as a future couple?

Melissa, who shares my addiction-I mean LOVE-of Diet Coke asked:
"Ok, how did you and your husband meet. If you've already told us this, forgive me."
No, Melissa, please forgive ME if I've already told you, I can't remember either....

I met John for the very first time in 7th grade. We had health class together and I thought he was oh so cute. You all know he has major boyish good looks, now put that on a 7th grader, and he was the cutest darn thing ever. I sat behind him and was 'flirting' by poking him in the back of the head with my pencil and he turned around to tell me to knock it off and I accidentally jabbed him in the tooth with my pencil and knocked his tooth out. In my defense, it was already loose, but there was blood. Lots of blood. He was totally hooked on me after that. What can I say? I've got moves....

Queeny asked me this one:
"OK, I've got one. What's the worst thing you've ever done behind your husband's back, since you've been married?"
QUEENY!! You saucy little thing you! What, are you trying to get me in trouble??
I'm having a hard time thinking of an answer for this one: honestly, the worse thing is probably lying to him about birthday presents or something like that. I know, I'm so scandalous. I've got too much anxiety to be keeping horrible secrets from him. Anything I've needed to come clean about in the past, we both have shared with each other and have left in the past. So for now, I'll just pretend that hiding presents from him is super bad.

My girl from Don Mills, THE Don Mills Diva herself asked:
"I'm wondering if you could give your children one attribute what would it be?"
Ooh, this is a good one. I think I would have to say patience. Not to be quick to anger. Patience with others. Patient in their faith.

And finally, Miss Amy asked me this:
"if you had a day to yourself, what would you do?"
Well, this one is a toughie. If you are asking the pregnant, miserable Abbie, I would without a doubt say my dream all-to-myself kind of day right now would be to find an awesome read and book a hotel room somewhere (I'm telling ya, even super8 would work right now) and lay in bed in my sweats ALL DAY and have uninterrupted sleep/tv/reading time. OH MY GOODNESS. I'm getting giddy just thinking about that.
Otherwise, normal Abbie would enjoy doing something like my sweet lady friend Kim did this last weekend. Hit up a Scrapbooking workshop and just sit for 2 days straight with good friends, good wine and scrapbook until my little heart is content.

Good questions ladies! I'm looking forward to finding out a little more about each of you as well! :) I promise not to ever ask you about your poop though. Though I love to talk about mine from time to time, I have no desire to know about yours.


Kelly said...

I'm finally getting my butt over here to ask my question...hope it's not too late!

Other than blog reading, what are your favorite websites to visit??

Jenny said...

Hey!!! Thanks for listening to me!!! You just made my day!!!
YES! Sawyer would be great...and did you realize (you must have and just didn't point it out) that JACK also fits the theme? And I think he's way cuter, anyway.

Lorina said...

I just found your blog. You seem like fun!
I really like the name Jack too. We are going to name our next son Jackson, but spell it like JAXON.. my husband loves that name, and we can't agree on anything else. I love the name Gavin but he hates it. Ruby is super cute, too bad your hubby hates it.

We need to start a club, Husbands who hate CUTE names!

MKHKKH said...

Love your names! I wish we had a name picked out. It might start WWWIII over here. LOL.

Well, I wasn't trying to pick-up on you, although you are pretty cute! LOL. I don't know all that much about what sign goes with what or really about what traits each sign have. It was the first thing that popped in my head. I am a Taurus so you tell me if we mesh or not. I'd like to think we make a great blog mommy pair!!! :)

HoodMama said...

Love Sawyer. Love him, I mean the name. Love the name. All of them are precious and will be perfect with Olivia! You just need to have as many babies as you have cute names.

Jennifer said...

omg! I LOVE Law and Order: SVU!! Although, Chris Meloni is my fave... But so glad to know more about you, my bloggy friend :)

Redhead in Vegas said...

thanks for the birthday wishes. going to take a nap and dinner later tonight. i could really care less about dinner, but there is a chocolate souffle calling my name.

dianna said...

My ?...nothing earth shattering.
Who cuts your hair?
It is so cute*!*
Not that I would ever run into her/him living down here in FL and all....but maybe I could find someone here with the same name and maybe, just maybe everyone with that name has the same hair cutting mojo...

Steph said...

OH MY GOSH! I also love the name Ruby! It is definitely on my short list...but, like yours, my husband doesn't like it and assured me that we will never have a daughter named Ruby. To this I smartly replied..."A son, then?"