Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The gloves are coming off....

We have been working semi-diligently to potty-train Liv the last few weeks.

We've kept her in pull-ups during this time, but regularly have been suggesting to her that 'let's go try and go potty' before she lays down for a nap, after she gets up from her nap, before tubby time, before bed time, when we wake up in the morning.
Often times she produces one or two little drops and I mean DROPS, not full streams, of pee in the potty, but there are other times where she just simply sits and says 'eh, I don't need to go'. and she produces nothing. Nada. No pee.


Well, this next Monday Liv turns the big Three years old, and momma is getting serious.

Diapers will be gone.

No more diapers.

We are breaking out the big girl underpants.

Potty breaks will be regular and MUCH more frequent in order to prevent gag inducing accident clean-ups. In case you haven't noticed, this whole potty training thing just really isn't my cup of tea.

I would pay you in hugs, any of you, if you would just come and do it for me.

Maybe I'll start a campaign. Something like 'Save the Whales' but it'll be more like 'Save the potty-training mother from certain insanity'. Are you with me? Will you support my cause?

Please make checks payable to: Pee/poo clean-up fund or maybe it would just be easier to make your checks out to the local insane asylum, because I'm certain thats where I'll be in a matter of days anyway.

Your support is greatly appreciated.


MKHKKH said...

LOL! My 2 year old is starting that whole lovely process. We had her naked in the back while the kids played in the water. She wandered inside and took a giant dump on the kitchen floor! WHY? I had just asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty too. EWWWWWW! Best of luck to you. May the force be with you.

Kelly said...

Potty training is not for the faint of heart! LOL My first one was 3yrs4mos and my second was 3yrs2mos when they were trained and I about went crazy with it. They were physically ready, it was a battle of the wills. When I quit and said I was done, a few weeks later, they decided they wanted to wear underwear and that was all she wrote. Very frustrating. Aiden won't be 3 till the end of Sept but it much further along than the other two and I'm just going with the flo. Don't know if that's why or if he wants to be like the big bros but my hope is to be completely done by end of summer! Adios Diapers!!

Good luck!

Jenny said...

It's exhausting, isn't it Abbie? I potty-trained 3 little girls, and it wasn't always easy, but just know this too shall pass. (Just like every other freaking irritating parenting job) I just almost choked on my chip when I read the comment above about the child pooping on the kitchen floor!!! Holy crap!!! We never had anything that "interesting" happen, but I remember the frustration and the "will this ever end?" feeling.
Ad it would take MUCH MORE than hugs to have me come and do it for you. Something shiney, maybe. Big and expensive.

Steph said...

I know!...I know!...I am not looking forward to this process at all! I want to avoid it as long as possible.

I have no advice..just...good luck. And maybe instead of bribing her to go on the potty (a common tactic), you can bribe yourself to persevere and when she does finally do it, get yourself a mani/pedi! :)

Jennifer said...

oooh potty training is hard.

What worked all my kids was taking them to the store and letting them pick out a pack of big girl undies. Usually they'll get all excited over the Dora/Sponge Bob/Nemo/etc underwear.

Sofia will be 4 in October and she still has accidents a couple times a week. When it gets warmer (and you're at home) let her run around naked. Then she won't have to fumble with buttons and shorts and stuff.

Oh, and if you somehow stumble onto the Grand Secret of Nighttime Potty Training, gimme a shout (with detailed directions) :)

kathy said...

I don't remember much about our daughter's experience but she did regress when #2 came along I'm afraid - it was only for a couple weeks but I thought I would go insane. When it was #2's moment of glory, we bought Superman unders and said, "You wouldn't dare pee on Superman, would you?" It's ok, I've already agreed to pay for counseling. And, he did pee on Superman, I'm sorry to say. Barney too. The thing that worked for him was letting him play outside in his Supermans and when he was cold, wet, and uncomfortable, I "encouraged" him to play outside just a little longer. That was that last time he was ever cold, wet, and uncomfortabe. Whew. That was when we decided two kids was enough - no more diaper pails!!!

Krista Motsinger said...

Happy almost B-day Livie!!!!! I have no advice because I think Logan trained himself...seriously...but I would say....GET RID of the diapers....let her wet herself a few times and she will HATE IT!!! Logan just hated it when he had an accident in the undies...totally gross,but it is how they learn!! Good luck beautiful!!! Livie can do it!!!!!(ps...we started a stickers board, everytime logan peed he put a sticker on it, then every time he poopied(thats what we call it) he put 5 stickers on the board.) He loved it! Keep us all updated!!!

Redhead in Vegas said...

oh friend. if you weren't preggo i would tell you to go and get a drink or two. i have no experience (yet) but i have heard that bribing does not work. you wind up with a kid that is all hopped up on M&Ms covered in pee, or worse. i think the sticker idea sounds good, but man, who has that kind of time? Kristy, from Gap, (remember her) said that she let her daughter walk around with wet panties and that pretty much did the trick. maybe just throw some towels on the floor and hope for the best.

love ya!!

Anonymous said...

....my bribes worked, and they worked well! I used smarties (about 3-4 out of the package) for pee-pee and dum-dum suckers for poo. I cut out all other treats from their diets. The only time they got treats was when they went potty. When we went a week with no accidents, we went and picked out a little toy (under $5) and once we were in panties all day with no accidents (about 2 weeks)we had a "big-girl/big-boy" party! Very rarely does she still ask for pee-pee candy, but I keep some around just in case! We haven't bought diapers in 6 months and ohhh...it's good! I will pray for your sanity! :) ...Renee'

HoodMama said...

Ok, you can totally do this. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Think of a summer without swim diapers.
I used lots of skittles and other miscellaneous bribes. Keep us posted!

k3mom said...

It helps to take her to the store and let her pick out her favorite big girl panties with Dora or Cinderella ( Cindy as we call her), Tinkerbell, you get the point, and tell her is pees or poos in them, they go in the trash. If it's just pee, you can sneak them out and wash them, but poo, definately, right in the trash. YUCK! It took my daughter about a week and she was 2 1/2. She is 3 1/2 now and she done with all diapers and pull ups. Liv won't want anything but panties once she feels the difference. Good luck and you need, you can send Liv to DE, Jenny and I can handle it and send her back. :)

Amy said...

Don't stress. Have faith - she will train herself when she is good and ready. Best of luck! =)

kim-d said...

Hey Abs? Remember me? How goes the battle of the potty-training wills? How many points is Liv ahead, so far? BWAHAHAHA! I can't wait until I drop by and read "SCORE!!! SHE'S POTTY TRAINED!" You can do it, Abs--I'm cheering you on from afar.

Don Mills Diva said...

Good luck! My son is 2.5 and I have no plans to potty train - it just seems waaaay more exhausting than changing diapers!

kim-d said...

Abs, I'm getting a little worried about you. Please say you and Liv haven't spent this WHOLE time in the bathroom :)!