Thursday, June 19, 2008

It happened.

In all my naivety, I honest to goodness, really thought it would never happen.

I giggled at all of you mothers that experienced the horridness of it with your children.

After-all, it would NEVER happen to me. Not MY child. She just knows. Knows it's not something you should do. EVER.

I was sadly mistaken, my dear friends. I take back any chuckles I directed at you and your misfortune.

I now realize I'm not exempt from the you-have-a-normal-child-that-makes-stupid-decisions club. I'm one of you now.

Yes, it's true. It happened. My daughter cut her hair. With scissors. Real scissors.

I realized something was up after her running to the potty, exclaiming at the top of her lungs that she went pee pee in the potty!!, and then silence. Pure silence.

Thank GOODNESS that it wasn't chunks, but mere smaller, thin pieces. So, I do realize I still haven't had it as bad as some. I caught that little turd before she decided a pixie-type cut would suit her just fine.

I like, and Livie likes to have her privacy while on the potty, which is my reason for not RUSHING in there the instant I recognized the horrifying silence.

Me: 'Liv, what are you doing?'

Livie: Nothing.

Me: 'WHAT are you doing in there?

Livie: Nothing!

Me: Tell me RIGHT now what you are doing in there!!

Livie: Cutting my hair.



Kelly said...

Oh girl, you got lucky it wasn't a major cut!! I've seen some bad ones. My boys never did it, thank goodness, but one came very close and I caught him in the nick of time. Now, of course I jinxed myself and Aiden will give it a try. The little poop DID try to cut MY hair one time. If he had succeeded, he might not have survived. LOL

Susiewearsthepants said...

Welcome to the club. Both my girls gave themselves haircuts. Let me say that they were not good haircuts either.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Oh Im cracking up. I'm just waiting for that day. Because I know she's a big enough turd to do something like that. My scissors are in the top cupboard with the bowls so I can put off that moment for as long as I can!

Redhead in Vegas said...

tee hee...
oh livie lou, you are going to make your mama grey way too early. at least you have mad hair skills and can clean her up nicely. poor, poor abbie. hide the dang scissors!!

kittykat said...

"Whew, that was a close one!"

I want to laugh so hard, but I can't do it!! I don't want to be the next one in line for that to happen to. Thank goodness you caught her in the nick of time. But no worries, like Carey said you got skills woman!! I bet the next hair cut you give her will be EVEN cuter than the last one you posted for sure.

Here's to hoping this is the last time!! :o)

kim-d said...

Awww, man, Abs! **chuck-snort-chuckle**!!! All I can say is, it's a good thing you got there when you did. What I really wanna know is, whatever were you thinking when you had "not my kid" go through your head? Look at her grin! C''re just lucky it wasn't worse. Just wait til she cuts the BABY'S hair...BWAHAHAHA! I just love that kids of yours :)!

Krista Motsinger said...

I laugh now, but I know...that one will happen to me. Ya know...when I was 5, I took sizzors to my grandma's fringe curtons. Oh...was I in trouble. As I always say, Olivia is so cute!

Jenny said...

*Sigh* Yep. I'm a member of this club, too. Except Em cut Macy's hair. And Macy DID have a patch of "crew-cut" hair on the top of her head. And a chunk out of her bangs. Oh well. Making memories!

Amy said...

On a positive note she would be beautiful with a wiffle!!!

MKHKKH said...

OMG Abbie! I am LOL. I have yet to join the scissor club although my 4 year old looks like she has taken to chopping her hair. That Liv is a fire cracker!