Friday, August 8, 2008

TOTAL bummer

So Johnny left for work this morning and as usual Liv and I stood at the screen door hollering and waving goodbye, when I see him get back out of the car and slam the car door shut while shaking his head. There may have been a flying banana aimed at our garage door as well, but thats neither here nor there....

Turns out, some giant butthole broke into our car last night and ripped, and I mean RIPPED the CD player out of our car and majorly broke and tore into the ignition, taking it, and ruining what was left to the point that we are unable to drive the car now, let alone even start it. So here we have what was a perfectly running Honda Accord sitting in front of our house, now un-driveable.
Ooh, and want to know the best part of all?? Since getting our new car, the Honda has soley been used for John to commute to and from work, so being the genius' that we are, we took it off of full coverage. AWESOME.

It's such a violating feeling to know that someone took that much time to ruin something that we worked so hard for. Those giant snot rags sat in OUR car and broke it. I found Livie's little jacket in the backseat earlier as I went out to inspect things, and that just makes my skin crawl, to think they were in the car with my precious girls jacket. So I smelled it to make sure that it didn't smell like nasty, bad people.
I'm weird like that.
But because I KNOW you secretly want to know, it didn't smell. It still had Liv's sweet juice stained smell on it.
So there is a plus.

Oh what a way to start the day. And we are leaving for camping this weekend, so that was a lovely way to start the weekend off as well.

I suppose if I start getting to bummed out about it, I can just sit and look at this:

because thats what I've been doing for the last two days, while peeing my pants from laughing so freaking hard at the fabulousness of the glasses on my daughters hilarious face.


Steph said...

Oh my goodness! That's terrible. I'm so sorry Abby! I know that feeling. I'm just glad you guys are all safe and sound.

Kelly said...

I hate to hear of things like that. What is wrong with people anyways!! I did have a good laugh at that picture. I really need to upload pics of my boys and have some fun at their expense. LOL

Jennifer said...

That really is a bummer. We've had that EXACT same thing happen. And they stole a car seat in the mix...

Hope you can get it fixed! Have fun camping!!!

Jenny said...

Sorry it's taken me this long to reply, Abbie.
That BLOWS. I hate it. I can't stand that our own cars can't even be safe in our own driveways. I can imagine the feeling of violation you must have. Now, right away I think about cost. Do you have to pay a deductible, or is this completely covered? Nothing like paying your own money for something a scumb bag did, right?
Keep your chin up.

MKHKKH said...

Oh, Abbie... I am so sorry hun. What a MAJOR bummer. Why are there such scum in the world. They will get their day. HUGS.