Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We be jammin'!

You totally just read that with a Jamaican accent running through your mind, didn't you? Good, mission complete.

Summer time is fun for all kinds of reasons.

Probably one reason that sits pretty high on my list is the fact that it's the time that my momma makes her fabulous Strawberry Jam.

No joke, she makes a MEAN Jam people. Mean.

This summer, Liv and I got in on the action. Kinda. There really wasn't all that much for us to do, other than sneak bites and get in the way of Nana and Papa. But it was the thought, right mom? RIGHT?!

After Nana and Papa's hard work, stirring and mixing and mixing and stirring, the work was finally done. And now it's peanut butter and Strawberry Jam sandwiches for every meal for the next year.

This is pure manna from heaven my friends. I would not lie.


Kelly said...

Oh, Yummy! That has to be the best tasting PB&J!!! I'm a sucker for peanut butter and strawberry jam.

Redhead in Vegas said...

so i will be expecting my shipment in the next day or two. i love pb and strawberry jam. anything else is a poor excuse for a sandwich.

Krista Motsinger said...

I LOVE HOMEMADE JAM!!! I have some in my freezer and frig that my mommy made me!! Makes toast and PBJ so much yummier!

Jenny said...

Yummy goodness! Always wanted to try making it...still haven't. Cute pic of Liv!

Jennifer said...

Yum! Every summer and fall (after the remainder of the garden had been picked) my grandma would spend hours making jams and canning all sorts of yummy-ness. Jealous :) I almost want to lick my screen :P