Thursday, July 24, 2008

somethin's fishy...

So I've done a lot of thinking lately.

Dangerous, I know, but it happens from time to time.

I've come to the conclusion that I am in DIRE need of one of these:

Lately, getting me up and off the couch takes an ACT OF GOD. Between my hips and pelvis feeling like they will snap from my body if I so much move and the fact that I can hardly bend to push myself up because of this bulbous extension hanging off my body, well, I just decided what better contraption than a whale transport net to get the job done?

I tell ya, it would sure make my life easier.


kim-d said...

I, too, have considered a whale transport net as a means of hoisting my considerable girth off the couch. And also one of those "recliner" type chairs where you press a button and it lifts up and sorta dumps you out on your feet. Oh, oh...and a Little Rascal/Hover-round scooter, so I never have to expend the energy to walk again. Too bad I'm NOT pregnant! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Jenny said...

Oh, poor Abbie. I feel like that some days and I'm not even pregnant, if that makes you feel any better! And look at the floating baby in your side bar!!!
You only have 64 days to go!!!

Jenny said...

And I left you something on my blog, my pregnant, immobile sweetheart.

MKHKKH said...

Now that it funny! Soon you will be in a sleep deprived fog and the needs of the whale transport far behind ya!

Allison said...

OK, so Redhead sent me over here after my post today and I am loving your blog! Yeah--I have 26 days to go and just got done hanging garage sale signs in the 112 degree heat, and then felt the need to steam clean all of my tile floors. BRILLIANT. Check me out at We can be kindred whale spirits!! LOL

kathy said...

But Abbie dear, you'd have to keep that net thing under you at all times and I think it might chafe. Then where would we be?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I hear you! That is one thing I do not miss about being pregnant! Really though, why hasn't someone invented a contraption to move preggos around? :)

Hang in there!