Monday, July 7, 2008

She loves me, she really loves me!!

Quite some time ago my dear bloggy friend, Jenny, passed this award on to me because, well, she likes to look at the inside of my nose. Can you say BFF's?! Anyone who enjoys a good nose shot is ok in my book. ;)

So, here is my awesome award, which is also special because it is supposed to help raise awareness for organ donation, which I am and always have been an encourager of 110%:

I'll pass this award onto:

Steph: she's just fabulous, and thats that.

Melissa: Because anyone who has a yellow couch is QUEEN in my book. :) And the fact that she drinks Diet Cokes on that couch on a daily basis? Well, I'm just sure we were separated at birth.

And, Krista: Because she understands what I say when 'the threes are the new terrible twos' :)

Pass on the love girlfriends, PASSITON.


Anonymous said...

My Riley loved the nose shots! She was wondering if you had boogies in there too! Gotta LOVE 3 year olds!

I LOVE that this helps spread awareness for organ donation...we just had a friends daughter (12yrs old) get a new liver! She had been waiting for about 2 years....she is going home from the hospital this week!

Jenny said...

Glad you liked it!
Luv ya!

Krista Motsinger said...

And boy do I!!!!!!!! And just think, in a few months, we will get to compare our little girls! I do enjoy having someone who is going through the same thing, at the same time;):) More Mommy Power to ya Beautiful;)

Steph said...

:::GASP::: Steph...that's me! Oh my goodness, you're the sweetest and you totally brightened my day!

So let me make sure I understand...I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you know?...In accepting this super fun award, I pass it on to other blogger buddies? And not only that, I am passing on awareness about organ donation? Is that right?

Awesome! Thanks Abbie!

HoodMama said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! My kids told me I had a big bottom this morning so this totally makes my day!
You're awesome!!!