Sunday, January 13, 2008

Patience is a virtue

Or in the case of my little adventure this morning, patience was the only thing keeping me from bashing my face into the wall.

Are you ready for it?


Never in my life have I needed a Diet Coke and a nap more than I do now.

I came home resembling a sort of Medusa-like creature, snapping at everyone, scowling and rubbing my eyes like I had been up for 4 days.

I've always known my passion in life certainly isn't teaching/caring for/feeding/reading to younger kids. It's not that I don't think they are adorable, this age group just really isn't my cup of tea. I love being around older kids, and always thought being a junior high PE teacher would rock my world; And since being a mommy myself, I've come to realize that I think I'm just one of those people who will be a better mother to older kids. Not that I'm a horrible mother now, I just have a certain lack of patience that I know is absolutely mandatory when raising young children.

I remember when my Best Friend Megan and I were kids, we always planned that when I had kids, I would send them off to her when they were born until they turned oh 8 or 9 or so. Then I would take them back. I laugh at that now, but secretly wonder if thats still possible. hmm. I'm JOKING people, just joking. kinda.....

I've never had so much appreciation for what my daughters wonderful Sunday School teachers do every Sunday. They deserve 8.9 Trillion dollars....and a nice big bag of Chocolate covered gummy bears.


Jenny said...

If you think the teachers deserve something nice, WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THEM THE GUMMIES??? :)
Live and learn, baby, live and learn. You don't have to volunteer at something you don't like to do, just to be a good mom. It's taken me the last two years of my life to learn that. When I'm done being PTA president for an elementary school in June, the next time I'll willingly spend time near young kids other than my own is when I babysit my grandkids. I'm totally with you. Oh, and by the way, good job for getting through it, and for doing it in the first place! I've always said teachers should be making millions...not Tom Brady. Although he's a CUTIE! But that's beside the point.

HoodMama said...

I'm always in awe of the way an hour in church nursery can seem more like five but sitting on the computer reading blogs, I can eat through an hour without even knowing it. Hmmm.

MKHKKH said...

Frustration and patience were my prayers this week. Lately I seem so short fused. I feel like Medusa. I so know what you mean. Some days I don't feel cut out for this job and know that I could never homeschool or teach young kids. Teachers are saints in my book.

kim-d said...

Hi Abbie~Well, just how darn sweet are you anyway! Thanks so much for your nice comment. I had to come over here and check your blog out...and it just proves what I wrote about today! I have been reading back through December, and I have been laughing, chuckling, shaking my head "yes" and saying "me, too"!!!! Anybody who appreciates chocolate-covered gummi-bears as I do is okay in my book! And then there's that you just have the cutest little family ever...your daughter? AWWWWWW....I'm so glad you stopped by today, Abbie, and I hope you come back again. Just know right now that from here on in, I WILL be stalking your site :)!